

GWEA Monthly Ministry Report: September 2013

Rev. Gordon Williams, Evangelist

At a meeting in Peterborough, ON, four men in their 20's who came to the meeting together came for prayer when I gave the altar call. The first said, "I would like to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues.” We prayed & he fell to the floor speaking in tongues (Acts 19: 6). The second said, "I would like to receive the spiritual gift of teaching (Rom. 12: 7). I asked, "Have you received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the gift of Speaking in Tongues yet?” He said, "No.” I explained that he needed that so the Holy Spirit could give him what to teach.” He agreed, we prayed and he fell to the floor speaking in tongues (Acts 19: 6). The third & fourth received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and fell to the floor speaking in tongues (Acts 19: 6).
A 45 year old man was brought by a friend to our meeting. When I asked him what he wanted to have prayer for, he told me, "I need God’s help. I believe that He h as been trying to guide me.” I asked him, "Have you ever received Jesus as your Saviour and Lord and received athe Baptism of the Holy Spirit so you can speak in tongues?” He said, "No! But I want to.” So, he prayed with us and he found forgiveness and was filled with the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues for about a half and hour. Afterwards, he commented, "That was awesome!”
I received a telephone call from a Realtor in Orangeville who explained that he had a house for sale but couldn’t get anybody interested to make an offer of purchase. He prayed about the problem and said, "The Holy Spirit told me that there was an evil spirit in the house that caused people to not be interested in purchasing the house.” He then asked the woman who owned the house if she had noticed any spirits in her house. She replied, "No! But I have a ghost in the house. It talks to me sometimes.” He asked her if it would be alright to call his pastor who is me. She agreed. When I met the owner, I asked her how she knew there was a "ghost” in the house. She explained, "It talks to me and sometimes I talk to it. It bothers my dog. It causes my telephone to ring when nobody is calling. And, it causes the smoke detector to ring and it has no batteries.” Such a "haunted house” is called a "stigmatized property” and must be told to prospective buyers that it is occupied by spitits/demons or the purchaser can get his money back. So, I went through the house, room by room, and cast the ghost (evil spirit/demon) out and sent it to the abyss ( Lk. 8: 31). Now, the house is "desigmatized” and safe to be sold. Only Christians who have the "Signs” (Mk. 16: 17) can cast evil spirits out of people and houses (Lk. 214 - 26). Such a failure is recorded in Acts 19: 13 - 16.
BOOK: "THE FORGOTTEN KEY TO CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE” How to divorce-proof your marriage. Donation $ 20.00 each.
C.D.s: "The Baptism & Gifts of the Holy Spirit”-Study the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 12: 6 - 8; 1 Cor. 12: 8 - 10) Donation: $10.00.
BOOK: "Like A Rushing Mighty Wind”: Enjoy the "Normal Christian Life” with Signs, Wonders & Miracles.
Donation: $20.00 ea. 3 for $50.00.
BOOK: "Spirit-Led Days”: Daily devotional book to help you to grow and work with the Holy Spirit.
Regularly $23.95 ea. SPECIAL $8.00 ea.
BOOKLETS: "Generational Sin: Gone Forever”; "Exciting Praise”; Clock Watchers Incorporated”.Donation: $8.00 ea.
TEACHING TAPES & C.D.S: "The Personal Testimony of Gordon Williams”; "The Baptism & Gifts of the Holy Spirit”; "From Caterpillar to Butterfly”Donation: Audio Tapes $8.00 ea. 3 for $20.00& C.d.s $ 10.00 ea. 3 for $20.00 Videos: $15.00 ea. 3 for $30.00.
REPORTS: "Natural Church Development”, "Promises, Promises, Promises” (Promise Keepers Ministry); "Toronto Airport Ministry” (Toronto Christian Ministry): All scripturally examined. A donation is required for printing and postage.
MUSIC: "THE ANSWER” & "FIRE & WATER” with "Lifeline” featuring Margaret Williams. C.D.s: Donation: $15.00 ea. Tapes: $10.00 ea.
MUSIC: "ETERNALLY GRATEFUL”By Rex & Pat Warr: C.D.s Donation: $10.00 ea.
This is the 4th year that Tina Fischer has been successfully sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ during a circular route throughout Ontario and into Quebec. She has successfully witnessed to many people by praying for salvation, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, healing, deliverance and for people needs as she rode with the Holy Spirit guiding her. Occasionally being invited to sleep in people’s homes she mostly camped and slept under the stars. Thank you for your prayer and financial help. Be sure to visit her blog for testimonies of her trip: http://cycling4jesus.wordpress.com/
At our July "Carrick Camp Meeting", a woman in her mid-50's said, through her tears, asked me, "Do I have to fall down?” I smiled and said, "No, it is not a requirement.” "Good”, she responded and explained, "I need salvation and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and I need healing for the arthritis in my hands.” She showed me how her joints were swollen up and painful to move. We prayed and she received Jesus as her Saviour and was Baptized with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues. Later, she came to me with tears in her eyes, and said, "Look! Look at my hands.” The swollen joints in her hands had receded & the pain was gone as she moved her fingers.
A young man in his mid-30's explained, "I have had prayer a few times for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and I didn’t get it!” I said, "You are going to get it now.” We prayed and he easily began to speak I his new language as Jesus promised (Mk. 16: 17).
A woman in her late 40's explained, "I need the Lord’s guidance. I have a problem with my two eldest children who are in their teens. I don’t want to tell you the problem but just ask you to pray for me to know what to do and the strength to do it.” She prayed and we she was filled afresh with the Holy Spirit and fell to the floor speaking in tongues. I received the interpretation of her tongues message (1 Cor. 12: 10) . The Lord said, "My daughter, I want you to treat your children the same way that I treat you. You have treated Me just as your children have treated you. Follow My example and they will be different.” She said, "Yes, I understand,” as tears filled her eyes.”
When Gordon first heard that Jesus calls his people not only sheep but lost sheep, he realized that He was not paying us any attention. A veterinarian recently explained that after sheep were sheered (fleeced) fo their wool, they cannot recognize each other until their new wool grows in. That is what happens when a person is Born Again and Baptized with the Holy Spirit, it’s difficult to recognize himself/herself because of the changes that the Holy Spirit makes in people’s habits with the "fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5: 22 - 23). Gordon would like to invite you to go out and find spiritually-lost people and bring them home to Jesus. Then, He makes them "found” and "new creations” and a part of the kingdom of God. The number of lost sheep that need to be rescued is "a great multitude which no man can count” (Rev. 7:9). He wants His house to be full (Lk. 14: 23). Gordon needs your help to "Go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in the poor and maimed and blind and lame (Lk. 14: 21). And, "Go out to the highways and hedges, and compel people to come in” (Lk. 14: 22).
Gordon has a unique ministry in this sense. He wants to continue to accept invitations from churches, regardless of size anyplace in Canada, the USA or any country in the world without setting fees. So, we ask you to pray and ask Jesus what you can do to help Gordon. Then, fill in "The Special Offering Card” (opposite side of "The Prayer Card”) & return it in the self-addressed envelope. We also have "Pay Pal” available on our Web Site so you can contribute with your Credit Cards. Cheques & Money Orders should be made out to the "Gordon Williams Evangelistic Ass’n or simply "G.W.E.A.”" Income tax receipts are sent out at the end of each year. "HELP US TO INCREASE THE HARVEST IN 2013!”
"I awoke with a ping pong ball sized lump on my thyroid”. She went to two hospitals and had it drained with needle biopsies. Ultrasound, at both hospitals revealed a solid mass and a thyroid full of lesions. Then "I went to Princess Margaret to see the thyroid specialist who diagnosed a thyroid nodule and scheduled surgery to remove half of my thyroid in June. I didn’t want to go this route because my sister-in-law hd a thyroid nodule 29 years ago and her thyroid removed and it was cancerous. On May 31st I went to Living Waters Church hear Gordon Williams because he had prayed for me to receive the Holy Spirit 5 years ago & I was immediately filled with speaking in tongues that continued in my Spirit night and day for at least two years. Gordon began by explaining the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit” and a "Word of Knowledge” which he has. He said, "There is someone here tonight with a thyroid problem.” When I went to see my Doctor, my thyroid had shrunk in size & felt normal to me. The result: "There is nothing there. Jesus has healed me” (Matt. 8: 18).
"GOD IS ON 24 HOUR DUTY” (LK. 11: 5 - 13)
Jesus surprised His disciples when he told them the Parable of a man who at midnight went to his next door neighbour. He said to him, "Friend, lend me three loaves ,for a friend of mine has arrived on a journey, and I have nothing to set before him.” His neighbour tells him to go away because he and his family are in bed so it’s not the right time. But, "because of his importunity he will rise and give him whatever he needs.” The word "importunity” means "persistence in requesting or demanding”. Because we are "friends of Jesus” (Jn. 15: 14), He is willing to help us and supply what we need whether it’s for ourselves, family, friends, neighbours (Lk. 10: 27) or people whom we don’t know. When we have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, God is in our hearts and available 24 hours a day. Then, we can be persistent and show our perseverance to get our Heavenly Father’s help. This is the reason why Jesus said, "Ask” (keep on asking). "Seek” (keep on seeking). "Knock” (keep on asking). And, you will receive what is needed. He is never inconvenienced by our prayer.
James, gives us valuable advice about prayer, which when followed, results in an exciting life in which the promises of Jesus become an everyday part of our lives. In different words, Paul says the same thing, "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philip. 4: 19). We can see sick people healed of all sickness and change the weather. This is the reason why we invite you to send in "The Prayer Card” (reverse side of "The Special Offering Card) with your needs: personal, family, friends, business, sickness, acquaintances, travel. Or send an Email, Fax or telephone us. Then when Jesus answers our prayer, please send in a "Praise Report” so we can thank Him too (1 Thess. 5: 18).
PRAISE REPORT: A woman from Swift Current, Sk, reported, "The last time you were in Swift Current, you prayed for me and my tennis elbow, shoulder and hip were totally healed. Thank You, Jesus!