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GWEA Monthly Messages
Christmas Represents God's Overall Plan of Redemption
Christmas is almost here. “Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year," is a song on the top 10 list that we hear every year at this time. When else can you go into stores and hear some of the greatest Christian songs ever written being played like “Joy to the World”, or “Oh Come All Be Faithful”? At Christmas we see nativity scenes that remind us of the birth of Jesus. People talk about loving one another as God loved us by sending His Son to the earth. We are reminded of values that are important to us, but we forget about them or give them less attention during other times of the year. And if it weren’t for the Christmas holidays, many family relationships would be worse than they are. For many, this is the only time of the year families attempt to come together as a whole and try to get along. The Christmas celebration of Jesus’ birth is a great victory. Each year at Christmas, plays, pageants, and musical productions tell us about the shepherds and wise men who came to welcome Jesus. “’Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel,’ which is translated, ‘God with us’" (Matt. 1:23). When the conception of Jesus was announced to Joseph the angel told him that a son would be born who would be called Immanuel - God with us. The phrase "God is with us" is the coming of the promised Messiah, Jesus Christ. He was God in the flesh, who had taken on human form for our sake (Jn. 3:16-17). Matthew tells us that the virgin conception was not something new, but that it had been predicted by the prophet Isaiah. God is now with us, and wants to save everyone that none shall perish (2 Pet. 3:9). Jesus was the fulfillment of what the Old Testament prophets had predicted. (Isa. 7:14; 9:6; Lk. 1:34-35; Mic. 5:2; Matt. 2:4-6)
Jesus paid our personal debt for us with His life. Yet we cannot inherit God's Kingdom until we are born again (Jn. 3: 3; 5; 7). Christmas is really more than just a baby in a manger. We should think of Christmas along the lines of God’s overall plan of redemption: His birth, His resurrection, His Gift of Eternal life - a New Life given to us through the Holy Spirit. If you really want to give the best gift in the world to someone you care about, have them decide to follow Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Praying with someone to receive the Gift of Salvation is the best thing you can do for them this Christmas. The Gift of Salvation is also the Gift of Resurrection: a glorified life with God for eternity in heaven (Jn. 11:25-26; Lk. 23:42-43). Without the Gift of Salvation, Christmas is meaningless.
Regardless of what you do this Christmas, share the real Christmas with someone who needs to have a relationship with Jesus. Merry Christmas to all and God’s blessings to you and your family! ** Learn more about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit here: The 15 Gifts of the Holy Spirit Infographic.
Copyright © 2023. The Gordon Williams Evangelistic Association. All rights reserved
The goal to getting a spouse, loved one, family member or friend saved (Rom. 10:9) is not to force them to church, but to get them introduced to Jesus Christ personally. The goal is to: "sanctify her (him), having cleansed her (him) by the washing of water with the Word" (Ephesians 5:26). This does not mean to force the unbeliever to read the Bible; this does not mean to force anyone to go to church or nag the person to become a Christian; and this does not mean to point out faults and sins to force repentance (1 Cor 13:4–8). It does mean to let the Word of God flow through you like water; to let your faith and works be one or as James reminds us... "For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead" (James 2:26). "For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband [by leading him to Christ]? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife [by leading her to Christ]? Only, let each one live the life which the Lord has assigned him, and to which God has called him [for each person is unique and is accountable for his choices and conduct, let him walk in this way]. This is the rule I make in all the churches" (1 Corinthians 7:16, 17). AMP What Paul is saying here is that it is not by accident that the believer was the first one in the family to because a Christian. It was by God's plan. He knew which one needed to be saved first to be used to save the husband or wife. Isn't that incredible? "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28). So don't give up on your loved ones, spouse, brother, sister, in-laws, friends, neighbours, etc. too easily. Some times we have to earn the right to share the gospel with the ones who are closest to us. Don't try to protect them from hearing what God is doing in your life, in your church or with your Christian friends. If they react badly, don't stop; if they react well, don't stop! Be faithful and God will not let you down, no matter what direction life takes. |
"SPIRIT-LED DAYS" - DAY BY DAY WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT" is one of the most inspirational, detailed and theologically studies on the Holy Spirit. Using a daily devotional format, the reader is led step-by-step, day-by-day, into a study of what the entire scriptures reveal about the person of the Holy Spirit.
"THE FORGOTTEN KEY TO CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE" is God's key to a successful marriage.
Gordon's book outlines effective tools for building a happy marriage. Also explains why the divorce rate in the church is the same as in secular society and what to do about it. |
"LIKE A MIGHTY RUSHING WIND" is practical and important Christian teaching highlighting the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the 9 "Gifts of the Holy Spirit" as outlined in the Book of Corinthians. The results of Rev. Gordon Williams ministry have always been countless changed lives as people encounter Christ in His fullness.
"VICTORY OVER THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS" is the most comprehensive teaching guide available today on spiritual warfare. Based on biblical theology, it is derived from many years of helping people to be freed from demonic oppression.