


(1) is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in Canada and abroad, and to train and prepare workers for Christian service;

(2) is to prepare and publish Christian education materials for all ages and to review and approve courses already available; and to provide evangelical outreach by literature, radio, TV broadcasts, etc. by commissioning evangelists and missionaries, and by supporting such evangelistic missions already in operation;

(3) is to operate ministries normal to a local church in various communities; to baptize, marry and ordain for ministry;

(4) is to conduct foreign missions, both directly and in conjunction with other individuals and organizations of like faith and objectives, and to provide funds for such missionary efforts;

(5) is to operate the corporation as a registered charity through Revenue Canada, and to achieve the above aims within the laws and guidelines applying to registered charities in Canada;

(6) is to acquire, take, receive, hold and administer any real estate, grant, donation, or bequest of property in any manner or form consistent with the objects of the Corporation aforesaid, according to the terms of such grant, donation or bequest.