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The Holy Spirit is often Misunderstood. The Unfamiliar Spirit.

Amazingly, the majority of churches and pastors I meet are not familiar with the works of the Holy Spirit. To them, He is the "unfamiliar spirit". They place Him firmly and correctly in the "doctrine of the Trinity," but from that point on, understanding is at best vague. With no intended rejection, they unwittingly exclude Him from their personal lives and the life of the church, totally oblivious to the richness of relationship awaiting them.

One problem has been that few teachers of the Bible have any knowledge of Greek as a foundation for really understanding Scripture. With just two or three years of Greek study, concepts that may have seemed difficult become very simple and clear. The Greek of the New Testament is colloquial Greek, which differs somewhat from the classical.

Early translators thought that it must be some special form of the language because they were unable to find any other Greek like it. It turned out that it was simply the common dialect of the people of the day. it was how they talked. The Gospel was written so simply.

The Holy Spirit, although generally acknowledged, is most often ignored as a mysterious presence. His ways are perceived as shadowy intangibles. There may be some foggy recognition of Him as the "personality" of God that makes people felt warm, nice and forgiven. However, there is little expectation of His mighty power to motivate and equip them for what Jesus Christ is calling them to do.

It is not uncommon for the work of the Holy Spirit to be misunderstood and misidentified as the work of the Devil or an evil spirit. It is easier for many to dismiss manifestations of the presence of the Holy Spirit as "just a natural human expression," than to face the challenge of coming to grips with the reality of His operation in lives today. People have been making the same mistake for two thousand years!

Excerpt from Rev. Gordon Williams', "LIKE A RUSHING MIGHTY WIND."

Practical and important Christian teaching highlighting the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit as outlined in the Book of Corinthians. This is a book with solid answers to the deepest spiritual questions. One of the most comprehensive works on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, this is a practical guide to finding the ultimate fulfillment in the Christian life.

Click here to order your copy.


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