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Worship is supposed to be Exciting. Exciting Praise!

Christian worship was intended by God to be an exciting experience that required the use of a person's whole physical body. It was supposed to be an interaction with God in which the worshippers did more than say a prayer or preach a sermon with the occasional, "Amen".

The Hebrew word for worship (Shachah) originally signified prostration as a mark of respect. It's translation is to bow, stoop, crouch, fall down, beseech humbly, make obeisance and to do reference. It is used of Abraham's reverent prostration before his three angelic visitors. (Gen. 18:3)

Worship is a time of physical activity in which a person offers his or her whole self - body, soul (spirit) and mind to God. Worship is supposed to be more than just words.



To order Rev. Gordon Williams "Exciting Praise: Expressing Appreciation to God" click here.






c. Gordon Williams Evangelistic Association 2000.