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Listening to the Holy Spirit “THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS” (JN. 14:26)

A 50 year old woman said, “I want to hear from God. I pray in tongues and I never hear Him speaking to me!” I explained to her, “He was probably speaking to you but you didn’t recognize it.” I asked her, “Have you ever had recurring thoughts to do something that you would not normally do?” She replied, “Oh, yes, all the time!” I explained, “That’s the main way the Holy Spirit talks to people from within.”

I then asked her, “Did you ever do what those thoughts told you to do?” She answered, “I did not because I thought that it was only my own crazy ideas.” “No!” I explained, “The next time it happens, follow the instructions and see what the Holy Spirit is telling you. Also write them down so you will not forget them. Remember that the Holy Spirit is inside you in your heart.

You were mistaking the Holy Spirit’s thoughts for your thoughts (IS 55:8). Then you will be able to do what Jesus commanded the 7 Churches to do. “He/She who has an ear, let him/her hear what the Spirit says to the Churches” (Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22).

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c. 2016, Gordon Williams Evangelistic Assoc.