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It is God’s plan that "Thanksgiving” and "Halloween” are in the same month (in Canada) because they signify the two important works of Jesus Christ.
"Thanksgiving” is a reminder that Jesus died on the Cross of Calvary, paid for our sin (Jn. 19:30), rose again from the dead (Mk. 16:6-8), and ascended into heaven (Acts 1:9–11) so that He could be glorified (Jn. 7:39).
God sent the Holy Spirit on the "Day of Pentecost" (Acts 2:4) to equip those who believed in Him."Halloween” is the Christian name for that night. In the history of the Christian Church, the name "Halloween” meant "Holy Evening”. It replaced the pagan new year and false god/demon (1 Cor. 10: 20), who was worshiped on that night and whose name is long forgotten.
The following day is called "All Saints’ Day”. Halloween is a reminder to believers who have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the "Signs” following (Mk. 16:17–18), that they have authority over the devil/satan (Jas. 4:7; Jude 1:9), demons/evil spirits (Mk. 16:17; Lk. 8:31) and the kingdom of darkness (Rom. 8: 38–39). Christians Baptised with the Holy Spirit have the ministry of healing (Mk. 16:18); 1 Cor. 12:9; Jas. 5:14–15).
The early Church replaced all the so-called religious holy-days of all the religions with Christian Names. Jesus is Lord over every day and every night of the year. There is a "Christian Calendar” which shows that every day of the year has a Christian name replacing all the non-Christian religious days. "Halloween” or "All Saints Evening” represents all those who have died or been martyred and killed because of their Christian belief. Christians continue to be martyred even today!
Thanksgiving signifies God's promise to us: (as Paul wrote), "And, my God shall supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philip. 4:19). When children come to your door on Halloween, hand out candy or fruit but also hand out Christian Tracts or Bibles to remind them that Halloween is a celebration of Jesus’ victory!
A good theme song for "Thanksgiving” and "Halloween” is "Victory in Jesus”.
"O Victory in Jesus, my Savior, forever,
He sought me and bought me with His redeeming blood;
He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him,
He plunged me to victory, beneath the cleansing flood”.
When we have been saved, Baptized with the Holy Spirit, and use the "signs following” (Mk. 16:17–18), the Holy Spirit is the daily "guarantee of our inheritance” (Eph. 1:13–14). Remember that Jesus won the battle over satan!
If you have not received salvation, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4), healing deliverance, or your needs met, come to one of our meetings or call me for prayer. "Let’s make 2014 a revival year!”
Yours in Jesus,
Rev. Gordon Williams
c. 2014, GWEA
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