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Do you think God will heal me?

I am continually being asked, "Does Jesus heal people today?” My answer is "Absolutely, ‘Yes!” But for many church members and clergy, the answer is "no” because they are "religious people” who have never received Salvation and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Jn 3:3, 5, 7). They do not accept the New Testament with God’s promises of being able to "prosper and be in good health” (3 Jn. 1:2).

There is no question that God uses doctors to heal people today. People have not been told that Jesus heals today because there is no "healing ministry” in their churches.

First, in order to have a healing ministry, each believer have received Salvation and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the proof of the "signs following” (Mk. 16:17-18). Then a Christian is "equipped" and when they lay hands on the sick, they will be healed (Mk. 16:18). 

Second, by means of the two "Gifts of the Holy Spirit" called, "Gifts of Healing” (1 Cor. 12:9) and the "Gift of Miracles” (1 Cor. 12:10).

Third, church elders have a ministry of healing by anointing the sick people with oil (Jas. 5:14-15).

Fourth, Paul tells us that when we pray in the Spirit (with our tongues language), we become "edified" and receive healing from the inside out (1 Cor. 14:5 ).

Fifth, when two, three or more agree in Jesus’ name, our Father will give us what we need (Matt. 18:19).

Six, when we pray alone, Jesus will heal people (Jas. 4:2-3)

Seven, often He will heal a person the first time that we pray, but even more, we must be persistent (Lk. 18:1). If not healed the first time, we must continue to believe in faith when we pray. The sick person will be healed a little each time until the healing is completed (Mk: 16:8).

Many times people ask me, "Do you think that God will heal me?” My answer is often, "I don’t know. But, if you ask Him, He will tell you.” Surprisingly, His answer is "Yes”. If He didn’t want to heal us, He wouldn’t have given us a healing ministry. If not, He will tell you why not.

In my experience, I have seen Jesus heal every kind of disease, from simple colds to severe health conditions such as cancer, HIV, Aids, MS. For instance, the first time I was confronted with AIDS was with a young man in our church in Kitchener, Ontario. After tests, his doctor discovered that he had an advanced case of AIDS and he was soon going to die.

I explained to him, "My Bible has no footnote that says, Jesus cannot heal AIDS”. As I reached out to lay hands on him, a voice from behind me said, "If you touch him, you will get it.” I said, "Mr devil, go away” (Jas. 4:7). Then we prayed for healing.

Three days later, I went to visit him again. He told me that after 2 tests his doctor explained, "We have made a terrible mistake. The first tests that we did showed that you had AIDS. Today’s tests demonstrated that you do not have AIDS.” The young man said, "Doctor, your first tests were right. My pastor came and asked Jesus to heal me. And, He did.” The doctor said, "That is the only acceptable explanation I can receive.”

This summer, offer to pray for healing with any sick person you meet. If they refuse, explain, as my friend Todd does, "Let me pray with you because I need the practice.” The result rewards us when we bring healing and salvation to other people. Your fears and shyness will be transformed into a gentle boldness (2 Tim. 1:6,7) as you witness for Jesus (Acts 1:8).

If you would like to receive Salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Holy Spirit, healing or encouragement, I invite you come to one of our house meetings or contact me and I would be happy to pray with you. Together lets testify about Jesus' grace to our family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances - anyone and everyone - tell them about the signs, wonders and miracles He has done in our lives!


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