Paul said, "Let him who boasts, boast of the Lord” (2 Cor. 10:17) which means we should get excited to share what Jesus has done for us with other people. People boast about their families, business successes, vacations, their favorite sports teams or about anything that they have had success with. Some are even called "fanatics” which means that they often go overboard about something they love to do or believe in. We are to be fanatics about Jesus, and about the churches where the "signs, wonders and miracles” are happening.
A couple of years ago, I was asked by a church superintendent, "Why are you saying bad things about one of my churches?” I explained that I had received a call from a young man who received Salvation and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in a church in Toronto where I had been doing ministry. He had also seen miracles of healing and deliverance during the ministry time. Three weeks later, the young man called me to ask me if there was a church in his town where the miracles were happening. He told me that he had gone to the local Pentecostal church on Sunday. At the conclusion of the service, he asked the Pastor, "When do the miracles start?” The Pastor asked him, "What do you mean?” He repeated his question, "When do the miracles start?” The Pastor told him that the service was over.” The man told the Pastor that he was not going back to that church again. I was not saying anything bad about the Pastor or the church, but told the man the truth. This is the problem in most church denominations, they do not operate using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and consequently, there are no miracles happening in their services.
As an experiment, I asked the young man if he would be willing to go to a different church each Sunday until he found one where the miracles were happening. Then he was to call and let me know. I’m still waiting after 6 years for that call! A reporter for a Dallas Texas newspaper once wrote a book called "Holy Roller” which was about her long search in finding a church where the miracles were happening. It took her a long time, but she finally did find one! This is the reason why we have house churches that operate in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit; and it can be said of each one of them, "This is a church where the miracles happen!”
If you need signs, wonders, miracles; Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Heb. 2:4); Salvation, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, healing, deliverance, etc., I invite you to come to our house meetings or contact me.