GWEA Monthly Ministry Report, September 2018
It was during the ministry time that an 11 year old girl came for prayer. She asked, “Do you think that Jesus would fix my teeth?” She showed me her teeth. They were what people would call buck teeth. I said, “I don’t know! But let’s ask Him.” At the next meeting, she returned and asked me, “Do you want to see what Jesus did for me?” She opened her mouth and said, “He fixed them!”
Her dentist, Dr. Derek Duvall, confirmed her healing and expressed his astonishment at faith healing. He received prayer for healing of his 15 year lower back problem and Jesus healed him. Since then, he has successfully run and competed and won in the Iron Man Marathon Race every year and has become a trainer and coach for many who want to join the race. He wrote, “How about member of the health profession, being healed, by prayer!” This report is in our first book, “Like A Rushing Mighty Wind”. “IF IT’S WORTH BELIEVING IN, ITS WORTH SUPPORTING” (LK. 6:38)
When I was in Curitiba, Brazil, I was invited by the Pastor who was Sergio de Castro to have a Crusade and teaching. A Baptist man who was also a member of a cult called the Universal Church, was giving his wife a bad time about going to a Pentecostal Church, came the services. During the offering, she hesitated about putting in offering. He reached into his pocket and said, “If this is worth believing in, it’s worth supporting” and he put a large amount of money into the offering. (He had to walk to the front of the church to put on the offering table). When I gave the altar call invitation for ministry, he and his two children – daughter and son -- all received Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and were Baptized with the Holy Spirit– and all began to speak in tongues as they fell down under the power of the Holy Spirit. The whole family is together in unity serving Jesus Christ!
Dr. Brent McLaughlin had the opportunity to pray for a woman, for whom he had been praying for years to get Saved and Baptized with the Holy Spirit (Jn. 3:5; Acts 2:4; Mk. 15:17–18). The woman had just been hospitalized to receive intravenous fluids because of severe dehydration. She described that she had a severe sore throat and swollen lymph nodes and the doctors were testing her for diseases such as meningitis. I asked her if she would like to receive the Cadillac Prayer of receiving Jesus as her Lord and Saviour and then as she prays in her tongues language for her own healing with the laying on of hands, she could pray for herself. Or, if she wanted I would pray for her healing as with a nonbeliever.
Surprisingly, she asked for the former prayer and easily spoke in tongues (language) despite having trouble uttering sounds from her sore throat. The next day she reported that she was remarkably better. Her lymph nodes were 1/3 of the size of the previous day. I told her that the Holy Spirit is a gentleman and will not force anyone to do anything against their will. I told her that I would follow suit and I gave her a copy of the Gideon’s New Testament and “Like A Rushing Mighty Wind”. P.S. I knew that I was involved in some spiritual warfare because when I was finished praying with this woman, my truck wouldn’t start and move. It was towed to a local repair shop where the mechanic found that the cable connecting the gear shifter to the transmission had mysteriously broken off. Hmmm... An exciting week as a vet pastor!
During a service in Port Perry, Ontario, a man brought his 7 year old daughter for prayer. I asked her, “What would you like to have prayer?” She said very politely, “I would like to receive the Holy Spirit.” We prayed, but she was a little shy about trying to speak in tongues. So, I suggested that “It might be easier if you would try to pray with your eyes closed!” She answered, “I don’t think that I want to do this!” I encouraged her and said, “Sure you can!” She closed her eyes and began to confidently speak in her Holy Spirit-given language as she floated down on the floor.
This is a time when people are looking for God! There is a desperation that we have not seen for a long time. This is evidenced by the response we are seeing when the invitation for prayer and ministry is given. The response to the Gospel is not limited to any particular age group! People of all ages are responding to the invitations that Gordon gives. They are all looking for the promised “Signs, wonders and miracles” and “ministry gifts of the Holy Spirit (Mk. 16:17–18).
All of the promises of God in Jesus Christ are still “Yea, and in him Amen” (2 Cor. 1: 20). It is because of that confidence that we see children, teenagers, adults, senior citizens regardless of sexual orientation receive Salvation, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Healing, Deliverance and their needs met. Every time you support Gordon financially with prayer, it means that some people whom you may never meet until you go to heaven will receive ministry.
Your prayerful financial support allows Gordon to accept invitations any place in Canada, the United States, or in other churches small or large, without charging a fee....but on the basis of a love offering. The results are shared in this newsletter each month. Your support helps us to harvest fields that are ripe and ready. “EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES DAILY TO SEE IF THESE THINGS ARE TRUE!” (ACTS 17:11) “JUST IN CASE!” (IS. 28:13–14)
At a meeting in Port Perry ON, a woman in her early 70’s explained that she had received prayer several times in the past for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit but didn’t speak in tongues. She concluded, “I don’t think it is for me!” I encouraged her, “Yes! It’s for everybody! You are going to receive the gift of tongues right now!” We prayed and she fell to the floor speaking in her new tongues language. (Before praying, she handed her glasses to her friend who had encouraged her to come for prayer and who said, “Just in case!”
At a meeting in Sault Ste Marie, ON, a man in his 60’s asked, “Can you translate what I am saying in tongues?” I agreed! He spoke in tongues and the Holy Spirit gave me the interpretation: “My son, you have been questioning whether the language I have given you is real. It is! I have been trying to show you my plans for you. But you always go to other people for advice and they tell you that you cannot do it. Stop listening to other people. I do not tell them what I want for you. They do not do what I require. Listen to ME and do what I ask.” Through tears, he said, “That’s true!” I said, “Whatever He tells you to do, do it” (Jn. 2:5).
At the Centro Chrestiano International Church in Quito, Equador, where over 1,500 people received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. One experience was very unique to both myself and my interpreter Rodrigo Garcia. A woman who was nursing her baby openly on her breast asked for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. While I prayed with her to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, she fell to the floor speaking in tongues. I asked her if she would like to have another lady hold her baby while we prayed. She said with a smile, “Sir, it is not necessary, my baby is still nursing.”
A 13 year old girl explained, “I have pain in my ovaries.’ I asked a young woman to lay hands on her. We prayed and she was baptized with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues and was healed.
![]() Do you have questions about the Holy Spirit and need answers? Do you need prayer for Salvation and/or for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? I invite you come to one of our house meetings or contact me for prayer and guidance.
![]() Copyright © 2018. The Gordon Williams Evangelistic Association. All rights reserved.