GWEA Monthly Ministry Report, October 2018
At a meeting in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, a woman in her 40’s said, “I need deliverance! Can you do that? Can you set me free?” I asked her, “What do you need deliverance from?” “For more than a year now, I’ve felt really strange. I can’t stop crying! I went to my doctor who sent me to a psychiatrist who couldn’t find anything wrong with me.
I went to a Christian counsellor who told me that I had an evil spirit and that I needed deliverance. She couldn’t cast it out. I asked her, “Have you ever had prayer for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?” She said, “I had prayer for the baptism of the Holy Spirit but didn’t get it.” I explained, “This is going to sound strange, but you do not need deliverance!” I want to pray with you so you can release your tongues.
She looked at me as if I was crazy! She tried to object! Tears were running down her cheeks! She prayed with me. I said, “Give Him your voice.” She opened her mouth and a new language (tongues) of prayer and praise flowed as she fell to the floor under the power of the Holy Spirit! Immediately, the tears dried up! When she got up from the floor, she asked me to explain what had happened to her. I explained that most people do not know how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit to release the gift of tongues (languages). The Holy Spirit causes them to start crying for no apparent reason. The tears are a symptom or sign that the Holy Spirit wants the person to speak in tongues. It is one of His unique ways of calling us to pray in another language which He gives us for prayer, praise, fellowship, healing and communication. Unfortunately, too many people mistake the Holy Spirit’s languages as demonic. They are guilty of grieving (Eph. 4:30), quenching (1 Thess. 5: 19), outraging, insulting (Heb. 10:29), and blaspheming (Mk. 3:29) the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is our Counsellor who guides us in the use of the Gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit (Mk. 16:17– 8; Rom. 12:6–8; 1 Cor. 12:8–10). People who tell us that the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the gifts are not for today are blaspheming Him. They condemn themselves by their own mouths (Lk. 12:10).
Tina Fischer met two senior women and a man in a wheel chair at the Beckley Farm Seniors Lodge in Victoria, British Columbia. They had told her that they were Christians. “Do you speak in tongues?” the one lady asked her. Tina replied, “I sure do.” “Let’s hear it then!” she said. Tina spoke in her tongues language for all three to hear. “I’ve tried many times but never have been able to,” the lady remarked. Tina said, “Today Margaret is your Day of Pentecost! Would you like to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues?” "Oh yes," she replied.
Tina prayed with the two women and they began to speak in their Holy Spirit given languages! Afterwards they laughed and giggled like two young school girls. Tina instructed them to pray daily, first in English and then in their tongues (1 Cor. 14:15). Then she prayed for the salvation and healing for the man in the wheel chair. “THE PROOF OF THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NECESSARY FOR ALL” (MK. 16:14-30)
I received a telephone call from a woman who goes to our House Church in Beaverton, Ontario where Dr. Brent McLaughlin is the pastor. She needed an answer for a friend about the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues. Her friend was having the problem that Paul wrote about: “Do all speak with tongues (languages)?” The answer is “No.” But Paul is talking about how the gift of tongues (languages) are supposed to be used in worship. Which he explained, “If any speak in a tongue (language), let there be only two or at the most three, and each in turn; and let someone interpret. If there is no one to interpret let each of them keep silent” (1 Cor. 14:27–28). The Holy Spirit gives everyone this gift in order to give us tongue control (Jas. 3:6-12). And the messages are for unbelievers to convince them that Jesus is our God (1 Cor. 14:22). She brought her friend to the meeting and Dr. Brent prayed with him and he received the Baptism of the Spirit with the proof of speaking with his new spiritual language and the other signs (Mk. 16:16–17).
At The Full Gospel Church in Calgary Alberta, a young woman in her late 20’s, came for prayer. Through her tears, she explained, “My Doctor told me that I can never have a baby!” I explained to her, “Jesus lives to do a miracle so you can have a baby!” First, we prayed for her to receive forgiveness for any sin in her life and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and she began to speak in tongues and asked Jesus to heal her so she could have a baby. I asked her to let me know when the baby comes so I can thank and praise Jesus. She agreed. The miracle arrived of a beautiful baby girl arrived a year later!
A man came to our Welland Ontario meeting and before the meeting, he asked me a question about certain religious phenomenas. He had been watching some so-called Christian TV Program where they showed a picture of a baby who was born and covered in "gold dust". I advised him that when it was assayed, it was proven not to be gold. This phenomenon is called “fool’s gold” which has been happening for a number of years along with others such as “jewels”. These so called jewels after testing, were proven only to be a decolourization caused by the sulphur in the air. The fools gold sprinkling is known to disappear after a very short period of time.
When Jesus does miracles, he does not give us prosthetics, He gives us the real thing. The man had never heard of this counterfeit even though it has been happening for 20 years. He said, “I want the real thing!” So we prayed for forgiveness of sin and for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. He received his tongues language - the sign of authenticity (Mk. 16:17-18). “CATCH THE VISION ... BECOME A PARTNER” (PHILIP. 1:5)
This is a time when people are looking for God! There's a desperation that we have not seen for a long time. This is evidenced by the response that we have seen in our many meetings when invitation for prayer and ministry is given.
The response to the Gospel is not limited to any age group. People of all ages are responding to the invitations that Gordon gives. Every church service and meeting is unique and yet the same. All of the promises of God are in Jesus Christ and are not yes or no, but in Him it is, yes! (2 Cor. 1: 20) In other words, God does not refuse anyone who calls upon His name. It is because of that confidence in Jesus that we see children, teenagers, adults, senior citizens, (any one regardless of their sexual orientation), receive salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, gifts of the Holy Spirit, healing, deliverance and needs being met. Everytime you support Gordon prayerfully and financially, many people (whom you'll never meet until you go to Heaven/Paradise), receive ministry. Your prayers and financial support allow Gordon to accept invitations anywhere in Canada, the United States as well as in other countries. Gordon does ministry in churches large and small, and without charging a fee. It is possible because of your love offerings.
Gordon's ministry results and praise reports are shared in the GWEA newsletter each month. Your continued support helps us to harvest the fields that are ripe and ready (Jn. 4:35). Please pray and ask Jesus what you should do to help. Throughout 2018, please help us to increase the harvest of people of all ages into the Kingdom of God (Jn. 4:35).
“I GOT IT” (ACTS 2:14–21)
In Owen Sound, Ontario, a 10 year old girl asked, “Can I have prayer so I can serve Jesus better?” Have you asked Jesus to be your Saviour?” “Yes” she said with a big smile! Then are you asking to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and receive the gift of speaking in tongues?” With a bigger smile she answered, “Yes!” She prayed with me and started to speak in her new tongues language as she fell to the floor.
Do you have questions about the Holy Spirit and need answers? Do you need prayer for Salvation and/or for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? I invite you come to one of our house meetings or contact me for prayer and guidance.
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