GWEA Monthly Ministry Report, November 2019
I once asked a 40 year old woman what she would like to have prayer for and she said, “I am not sure that I have faith to believe that Jesus would give me what I want.” I asked her what it was specifically she was talking about. She said, “I don’t know if I have faith to believe that He would give me the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.” I explained that she had a misunderstanding of what faith is. Faith describes a relationship in which we can ask Jesus to do for us what He has asked us to do (2 Cor. 1:12). When we ask Him, He makes His own decisions according to what the scriptures say. So I suggested, “Let’s ask Him to Baptize you with the Holy Spirit and then you will know what He will or will not do; then you will see that He always does the right thing (Gen. 18: 25).” Her tears flowed as she prayed along with me, and I laid hands on her (Acts 9:17; 1 Cor. 14:18) for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Immediately she began to speak in tongues. I gave her an interpretation of her tongues. She agreed that the Holy Spirit confirmed something Jesus wanted her to do. I encouraged her to continue to stand at the altar praying in her tongues language.
WE ARE THE "WELLS OF LIVING WATER" (JN. 4;14; 7:38; 4:4-26)
When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well, she was shocked when He had asked her to give him a drink of water (Jn. 4:7-16). She was shocked because the Jews and the Samaritans were enemies, and at war with each other. What this woman didn’t understand, just like many do today, is that we need not to be impartial; we need to engage in open discussions with all Samaritans, including the people that come from other countries who don't know Jesus Christ personally as their Saviour and Lord. And also we need to have compassion for those who complain about being sick and tired of living their lives with no real meaning or purpose - especially those who are involved in religions that worship gods that are not gods (1 Cor. 10:20). We who have received the “living water," (the Holy Spirit) are intended to become the “wells of living water”. The Holy Spirit represents the "living water" and assures believers of eternal life. Our purpose as “wells of living water," is to offer a "drink of the living water" (the Holy Spirit) to people we don't know; to strangers just as Jesus did. He ministered to the woman at the well: Salvation, healing, grace and guidance. When we take up our cross daily, and model after what Jesus did at the well, Salvation and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit can come to all people we pray and minister to. Our ministry is like a "spring of living waters" that flows continuously and results in numerous Salvations, Baptisms of the Holy Spirit, healings, deliverances and many answers to prayer. Because of your faithfulness and generous donations, Gordon has the freedom to minister to whoever Jesus leads him to. Please continue to be a “cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7) and prayerfully ask Jesus how you can contribute.
To help Gordon accomplish this great task, donations can be made by credit card through our secured PayPal page which is found on our website at Income tax receipts are sent out at the end of each tax year. Thank you for helping Gordon to minister and equip the Saints for ministry!
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May the Lord Jesus bless you abundantly for your faithful giving to the GWEA ministry!
A man in his 30's explained, “I was told by my friends that Jesus would never call a man like me into the ministry because I’m not the right kind of a man. Is that true?” I asked him, “Are you a born-again Christian who is Baptized with the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues?” He said with a big smile, “Yes, Sir!” I explained that when Jesus calls a person into ministry, he does not ask other people about it (Rom. 11:29). If Jesus had to get other peoples' consent most of us would not be doing ministry. The call into ministry is a call to get ready and then when you are ready, you are to go where the Holy Spirit guides you. I advised him to ignore what other people had said, and to listen to the Holy Spirit. Then we prayed that Jesus would prepare him for the ministry to which he had been called, and to be filled afresh with the Holy Spirit. He was grateful as he fell to the floor praying in tongues (1 Cor. 14:15). “PRAYER GIVES US 24 HOUR ACCESS TO JESUS” (PS. 121:4)
Jesus makes it very clear in the “Parable of the Widow and the Judge” (Lk. 18:1-8) that He is not like people who do not want to be interrupted or inconvenienced. If we need something, keep asking for Him to supply it, and He will do it. Our God is on 24 hour duty. That is the reason why James tells us, “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (Jas. 5:16). The righteous person is anyone who has a “right-relationship with God”. “Fervent” describes a person who is passionate and aggressive in asking for whatever he or she needs; someone who will not give up until they get what they need to accomplish the ministry that Jesus has called them to do.
This allows us to ask Jesus to meet other people’s needs as well as our own. At a meeting, a man once asked me, “What do you expect when you pray?” I said, “I expect Jesus will do what I ask for and what is needed.” Then he asked, “How many people here have been healed of cancer?" I quickly counted seven. He was surprised when I pointed them out to him and said, “You can go and talk with any of them and they will tell you what Jesus did for them.”
This is the reason why we invite you to send in your needs: personal, family, friends, acquaintances, business, church and health needs so we can pray for you. If you need prayer, please email your prayer requests or by posting to our "Facebook Prayer Group Page".
And when Jesus has met your needs, please let us know so we can praise Him along with you and "give thanks with a grateful heart!” We invite you to send in your praise reports and testimonies in a "Thank You Jesus Report." This way many others can be encouraged and be "PRAY WITHOUT CEASING" (1 THESS. 5:16-18)
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
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