GWEA Monthly Ministry Report, March 2019
In Jesus’ parable of the lost sheep, He invites us to go out and find the lost sheep. They are the ones that are lost in the wilderness of their lives, and cannot find their way home to Jesus. They will eat their way through the fences far away from their homes, just looking for the right flock to fellowship with. They are searching for the Shepherd named Jesus who will take them into His sheep-fold or barn to look after them. This is the reason why Jesus after He was raised from the dead, asked Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” In English it sounds like Jesus was asking Peter the same question three times, but really He wasn’t. The first two times, Jesus used the word "agape love” which a person receives only after he or she has been Baptized in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5). Peter answered Jesus' questions by saying, "Yes Lord, you know that I love you.” The problem came when Peter used a different word for the meaning of love which was "philos" or a friend's love. He said two times, "You are my friend.”
The third question Jesus asked him was, "Do you love me as a friend?” Peter could honestly say, "You are my friend.” Jesus knew that Peter couldn't feed His lambs nor tend to His Sheep until he was Baptized with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4). Only then he could look after Jesus’ sheep, His people.
We invite you to become a "finding lost sheep partner” who will help in finding Jesus’ lost sheep. Please pray for Gordon, that GWEA's financial needs will be met, and that the ministry to which Jesus has called him into will be accomplished. Please pray and ask Jesus what you can do to accomplish this great work. "THE FIRST SIGN OF AUTHORITY- IN MY NAME THEY WILL CAST OUT DEMONS” (MK. 16:17)
I received a telephone call from a friend who had moved to Kincardine, Ontario. He and his wife were going from church to church, looking for the right one, and they came across one that caught their attention. They learned that the Pastor’s four year old daughter was having a problem sleeping at night and would wake up crying with what some would call night terrors. This had been going on for over a year. With the Pastor's permission, my friend called me and asked if I could help. After listening to him I said, "It sounds like she is being harassed by demons (evil spirits).” He replied, "That’s exactly what I thought!” Following our conversation, I went up to the Pastor’s house and met him and his daughter. She turned out to be a very bright and talkative girl. I asked her about what has been happening in her bedroom, and she told me as well. I asked her if I could pray with her, and she was very agreeable. We prayed together asking Jesus to forgive her for any bad things she had done, and then asked the Holy Spirit to come into her heart.
After praying, I asked my friend and the Pastor to take her outside while I went through the entire house to cast out the evil spirits which harassed her so. As I went through the house, I encountered the evil spirits in her bedroom and they attempted to resist me. Regardless of their efforts, I cast them out and commanded them to leave and to go to the Abyss, not to return (Lk. 8:31). Then I asked the Holy Spirit to fill every room and corner in the house with His presence so that there would be peace in the house one again.
The next day, I received a call from the Pastor who said that after I had left, they discovered a glob of his wife’s hand cream on the wall of his daughter’s bedroom. He had wondered if I had put it there. I laughed as I explained, "No! I did not do such a thing! But often when evil spirits are being cast out of a house, they demonstrate their resistance by leaving or doing something as a sign of their protest.” I suggested that he clean the cream off the wall so there would be no sign of them ever being there. Then she will be able to sleep without any so-called night terrors or what I call "night terrorists."
Often when people’s homes have been invaded by demons/evil spirits, I am asked, "What have we done wrong that would cause them to come into our house?” I tell them that they will come, but not because people have been doing something wrong, but just the opposite, because they are doing something right! This can happen to those who are serving Jesus Christ and doing His work and ministry. Demons will attack, harass and attempt to possess anyone from babies to seniors. This is what we call "spiritual warfare” (Eph. 6:12).
PLEASE READ THIS WARNING... Do not attempt to do this ministry if you have not received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the signs following (Mk. 16:17). You also need the instructions on how to do so. If you do this without receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and proper instruction, you will be attacked, hurt, and embarrassed like the "Seven Sons of Sceva" (Acts 19:13–17), and the evils spirits/demons will remain in control!
My latest book, “Victory Over the Kingdom of Darkness” will teach you how to deal with confidence with the kingdom of darkness. You can order a copy today online for a donation of $20.00 each or 3 books for $50.00.
In the "Parable of the Widow and the Judge,” Jesus makes it clear that God is open to prayer 24 hours a day and night! He is not an unjust judge; He is always willing and available to supply our needs according to His riches and glory! (Phil. 4:19) That is why we ask you to write your prayer requests/needs for your family, health problems, business, financial, healing, spiritual problems, friends, church, etc., please fill complete the webpage form. "Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication." (Eph. 6:18) "JOIN OUR ONLINE GWEA PRAYER GROUP ON FACEBOOK” (LK. 18:1-8)
We also invite you to join our Facebook Prayer Group where you can post your prayers and have others pray for your needs. Our Prayer Group is made up of people from our 13 GWEA house churches and is currently at 60 members and growing. In Facebook, simply type in "GWEA Prayer Group" from your Facebook page, or in Google type in the website address: Next click on "Join Group." To access our Prayer Group, you need to have a Facebook profile. For more information on how to join the GWEA Prayer Group, please email our web coordinator, She will be happy to help you. Please continue to pray for all our upcoming meetings! Do you have questions about the Holy Spirit and need answers? Do you need prayer for Salvation and/or for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? I invite you come to one of our house meetings or contact me for prayer and guidance. Copyright © 2019. The Gordon Williams Evangelistic Association. All rights reserved.