GWEA Monthly Ministry Report, June 2019
Once I went to visit a man in the Niagara Falls Hospital and then discovered that he was actually in the Hospital in Welland. But before I left, I came across a short, elderly woman in her 70's, who approached one person after another as she wandered around the Hospital's parking lot in the freezing rain. Feeling concerned, I walked towards her and she immediately came over to me crying and shaking from the cold. I asked her, "What is wrong?” "I need money for groceries," she replied with tears flowing down her cheeks. "My daughter is sending me some from Vancouver, but I don’t know when it will arrive. I went to three churches including the welfare centre, but no one would help me." "How can I help you?” I asked. "I need money to buy groceries,” she sobbed. "That's no problem!” I assured her as I reached into my pocket and placed some bills in her hand. "Give me your address and I’ll send you back the money when I get some from my daughter,” she said as she wiped the tears and rain from her face. Compassionately I said, "This money is a gift from Jesus Christ. Now go, and get your groceries and get out of this cold weather!” She graciously accepted the money, thanking me as she left.
How exciting it is to know that Jesus sent me 24 kilometers, and 30 minutes out of the way to the wrong Hospital just to look after the needs of a woman. This was not just an ordinary woman, but one who had been turned away countless times, and even by churches! (Matt. 25:31). Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me." Where ever we go, we the church are responsible, and Jesus expects us to look after our poor. (Matt. 25:31-46)
"ALL STRANGENESS GONE - HE WAS SET FREE FROM A DEMON” (MK. 16:17) A first year law student came to see me after hearing an interview about exorcism I once had done on the Richard Syrette Radio Show. He told me how there was something strange going on inside of him. He thought maybe he needed deliverance of some kind since the more he tried to follow the scriptures, the more he failed (Rom. 7:13–35). I asked him if he had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit yet. He told me he thought he had received when he first believed. I pointed out that many people mistake the forgiveness of sin for receiving the Holy Spirit. I explained the importance of the "signs following” (Mk. 16:17-18) to him and then I laid my hands on him and prayed that he'd receive the Holy Spirit. Slowly he began to speak in his tongues language. The Lord gave me the interpretation of his tongues. He asked me if it was alright to kneel while praying since that was how he usually prayed. I told him we can pray standing, sitting, kneeling, laying down or even driving a car!
Then I asked him, "What church are you involved in?" "Roman Catholic,” he replied. I work with all church denominations I told him. I mentioned my friend Fr. Bob MacDougall to him, who was a Jesuit that I had done ministry with. "A Jesuit who is baptized with the Holy Spirit and speaks in tongues?” he questioned. Yes I told him, "God shows no partiality” (Rom. 2:11). Peter said, "Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved… and you shall receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:21, 38). "I certainly feel different now," he said in acknowledgement, "... and I hear a different voice speaking to me on the inside too."
Jesus' disciples once asked Him, "Lord, teach us to pray as John taught his disciples" (Lk. 11:1). Most would think that Jesus would make this His first priority when He schooled His disciples. But what they, and most people don't understand today, is that just talking to Jesus is prayer. Of course, His disciples couldn't understand this while Jesus was still with them, they could only fully understand after He died on the cross and arose from the dead (Jn. 20:28). Prayer is God's way of guiding us into the future. There are no special religious words; no special memorized prayers, we simply talk it over with Jesus who is "God in the flesh" (Jn. 1:14). "If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it" (Jn. 14:14). After He said this He told His disciples "to receive the Holy Spirit who will declare to you the things that are to come" (Jn. 16:13). When we pray in the Holy Spirit, Jesus will reveal His plan for our lives.
This is the reason why we invite you to send in your needs: personal, family, friends, acquaintances, business, church and health needs so we can pray for you. If you need prayer, please email your prayer requests or by posting to our "Facebook Prayer Group Page".
And when Jesus has met your needs, please let us know so we can praise Him along with you and "give thanks with a grateful heart!” We invite you to send in your praise reports and testimonies in a "Thank You Jesus Report." This way many others can be encouraged and be ministered to as well (Rev 12:11). Email your praise reports online through our web page. Jesus still does, "signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his own will” (Heb. 2:4). He wants to supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philip. 4:19).
In the "Parable of the Great Banquet” Jesus tells us that there are many who have been invited to eat with Him in the Kingdom of God, but many have made excuses, and therefore, will be replaced by others - meaning the poor, maimed, blind and the lame. We are commanded by Jesus to "go out to the highways and hedges, and compel people to come in, that His house may be filled.” This is called "evangelism” (Eph. 4:11). Jesus wants us to help fill the seats at His table with those who have been invited to be His guests in the Great Banquet that He has prepared. It is Gordon’s responsibility to help replace those who have excused themselves out of the Kingdom of Heaven and from His great Victory Celebration.
Gordon needs your help to accomplish this great task. Will you pray and ask Jesus what you can do to help Gordon bring in all who are spiritually "poor” (Matt. 5:3), maimed (Matt. 18: 8 - 9), blind (Lk. 6: 39) and lame? (Mk. 9: 45) These are not just people who are physically impaired, but also spiritually impaired as well. Gordon invites you to join him with your prayerful and financial help, so together we can find the spiritually lost and bring them home to Jesus (Lk. 14:21-22). Please pray the GWEA ministry will be fulfilled.
Once a woman brought her four children, ages 10, 7, 6 and 4 to our House Meeting in Owen Sound. During the bible study the 6 year old asked, "How does the Holy Spirit get into your heart? Does he come in through your mouth, nose or ears?” Such an intelligent question from such a young child I thought. I answered, "I’m not sure how He does it, I only know that He does.” The child continued to inquire, "How can I ask the Holy Spirit to come into my heart?” I replied, "We can pray right now and you will receive the Holy Spirit.” "Yes, I would really like that” she answered.
I invited her, as well as her brothers and sisters to receive the Holy Spirit. I assured them that after the Holy Spirit went into their hearts, He would give each one on them the gift of a special language that they could speak, pray, and even sing with. The children lined up in anticipation, held each other's hands and prayed along with me. We asked Jesus to forgive us for any sin, and to baptize each child with the Holy Spirit. Within minutes, all four children began speaking in their tongues languages.
After prayer I asked them, "Have you ever heard your Mom speaking in her special language?" "Yes!” they replied. I told them that they too could pray for people for healing with the laying on of their hands while they prayed in their special language that the Holy Spirit had just given them. Their Mom just happened to be the first person to ask for healing prayer for her back. The four children quickly ran over to her, immediately laid hands on her as the others did, and began to pray. "God shows no partiality," meaning there is no age limit to receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and doing ministry (Acts 10:34).
Do you have questions about the Holy Spirit and need answers? Do you need prayer for Salvation and/or for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? I invite you to come to one of our house meetings or contact me for prayer and guidance. Copyright © 2019. The Gordon Williams Evangelistic Association. All rights reserved.