POSTED | Rev. Gordon Williams
Two Miracles - One Family!
Hebrews 2:4
If you, your family and/or friends would like to receive either Salvation, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, a Gift of the Holy Spirit, Healing, Deliverance, etc., I invite you come to one of our house meetings or contact me. May God bless you richly with His Spirit!
At a meeting in Millet, Alberta, a man in his mid sixties, who had difficulty walking, came forward to me for prayer. He revealed that he got AIDS during surgery from a dirty needle.
I asked him, “Have you ever received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?” He replied, “Yes, about sixteen years ago, but I lost my tongues. The devil told me that I could never get my tongues back. So I was afraid to even try.”
I explained, “What does the devil know? He is a deceiver and he lied to you. “When he speaks, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (Jn. 8:44).
We prayed to Jesus to “stir up the Gift" of tongues that he had received before (2 Tim. 1:6–7). As we prayed together, he began to speak in his tongues language once more.
I reminded him that Jesus is the great physician that he can heal AIDS. I laid hands on him (Mk. 16:17-18), and prayed for his miracle healing. Moments later, I noticed that the man's fear had vanished as he continued to pray in his tongues language.
A few weeks later, he came to see me testifying that his doctor retested him, and he no longer had AIDS. We rejoiced together for his healing, thanking Jesus for his mercy and grace.
Then I turned to his wife and asked if she would like to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit too. Through her tears, we prayed together and she received tongues as well. Her husband smiled - his sorrow was replaced with “the joy of the Lord (Neh. 8:10)! He was so much better now and no longer did he have to walk with his cane. Praise the Lord!

Yours in Jesus,

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