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The Anointing Fresh Oil of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of Fresh Oil.

"...thou hast poured over me fresh oil"  (Psalm 92:1-15).
What a wonderful experience of worship!  Look at how this psalm progresses:
"It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to Thy Name, O Most High; to declare Thy steadfast love in the morning, and Thy faithfulness by night, to the music of the lute and the harp..."
We all need to learn to worship God this way. When we do, we can see clearly what God is doing to expose the fools, the wicked and the workers of iniquity. He causes them to grow just like in the parable of the wheat and the tares (Matthew 13:36-43). He lets them grow until the harvest so that the wheat, His people, will not be destroyed. Weeds always grow faster than the wheat; so like the wick
ed, it doesn`t take long until they expose themselves to everyone.
The exciting thing about worshiping God "in Spirit and in truth" is that we are anointed with His fresh oil and are "filled with the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18) in the midst of worship. We are treated like kings, prophets and priests (they were the only ones that God anointed with oil) because that's who we are in Jesus Christ.

The new oil of the Holy Spirit refreshes and renews us so we can flourish and bear fruit. Each of us can then declare that Jesus "is my rock."


Holy Spirit, pour Your anointing oil over me so I can be refreshed in Jesus. Amen.

Rev. Gordon Williams has written one of the most inspirational, detailed and theologically sound studies on the Holy Spirit in years. Using a daily devotional format, the reader is led step-by-step, day-by-day, into a study of what the entire scriptures reveal about the "person" of the Holy Spirit. This book has also been written to help the reader grow in intimate knowledge and daily fellowship with God.

Click here to order your copy.



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