The remarkable thing about “prayer” is that God does not accept our advice whenever we ask Him to deal with a situation, problem, healing, miracles or to supply needs. Almost always he answers our prayer in a way that we cannot imagine. The "when, how and where” are all a matter of His own timing. If we ask Him to do something that is an act of sin, the answer will always be NO. He does everything according to His New Covenant by His grace through Jesus Christ. He surprises us! Our job is to keep on asking and not give up (Lk. 18:1-8). Jesus always answers prayer! Amen!
Here is a testimony from a lady who has been attending our one of our house churches: “Good afternoon Pastor. This is Anna-Maria from Fenelon Falls House Church. You prayed for healing for my leg from a car accident. When you laid hands on my head and prayed, there was a weird sensation. I kept it to myself. I woke up this morning, stiff, but no pain. I went to work. Fridays are my worst day because I work and the pain is generally worse on Fridays. I cleaned two houses, no pain. Went to rehab deliberately worked harder. I usually can’t because I am so worn out. I am home and no pain. You can ask the kids, I have walked with a limp for 7 months. I am going to give it the weekend to confirm my belief. Thank you for praying, and praise the Lord for taking the pain away. Yours in Christ, Anna-Maria." Praise Jesus for his miracle healing!
On the Day of Pentecost, after receiving the Baptism of Jesus also the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit", one hundred and twenty men and women ALL received the Holy Spirit and spoke in "tongues" (new languages) publicly on the streets of Jerusalem. The result of their 2 day ministry was eight thousand people received Salvation and where baptized with the Holy Spirit! We can anticipate these results when we witness and minister “Jesus’ way” with the proof of “signs, wonders and miracles (Heb. 2:4). There is no special formula; it is that simple! Today more than any time in history, people are just waiting to be harvested into the Kingdom of God. Together, let’s have the greatest harvest in 2016!
Your monthly support allows us to accept invitations to any church, small or large in any town or city in Canada, USA or any other country. Continue to be a “cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7) and help us increase our ministry. Please pray and ask Jesus what you should do to help.
At a meeting in Estevan, Sk. where a woman brought her 8 year old boy for prayer, she said, “He gets terrible headache attacks! He needs healing!” Their doctor had explained, that their son had the symptoms of an aneurysm which meant that he had a broken blood vessel in his brain causing him to have terrible pain. Even after many tests they could not find an aneurysm. Whenever medical tests do not discover the source of the problem which the symptoms indicate, often it is the sign of a demon/evil spirit presence possessing that person. Having experienced this many times, I took authority over the boy and commanded the demon to leave him and prayed with Him for Salvation asking Jesus for the his forgiveness of his sins. He received the Holy Spirit and he clearly began to speak in tongues (Acts 8:16). Shortly after the mother fell to the floor shaking uncontrollably and crying hysterically! The demon had transferred into his mother! This is called “transference of spirits”. I commanded the demon to leave the mother and to go to the Abyss (Lk. 8:31). Then I prayed with her to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and she too received the promise of the “Gift of Speaking in tongues” (Acts 2:4; Mk. 16:17). Both were completely set free!
In East Selkirk, a grandmother brought her 5 year old grandson with bright red hair for prayer. I asked, “What would you like to have prayer for?” She said, “My grandson has a very bad eye condition. Without his thick glasses, he can’t see very much. Would you ask Jesus to heal him?” I agreed. I asked the young boy, “Have you ever asked Jesus to forgive the bad things you have done?” With a big smile, he answered, “Yes”. I said, “Can I ask Jesus to fix your eyes?” He shook his head, “Yes”. Then I encouraged him to pray with me to invite Jesus’ Spirit to fill his heart and fix his eyes.” With a big smile, he agreed. I laid hands on him, and we asked the Holy Spirit to fill his heart and to fix his eyes. Jesus healed Him! Excitedly, I asked him to please take off his glasses. The young boy resisted so his grandmother removed his glasses for him! He said, “Gramma, I can’t see!” Then seconds later he exclaimed, “Gramma, I can now see!” Happy and excited with his new sight, he gave me a big hug. Then he took his Gramma’s hand and quietly walked back to their church seats. Praise the Lord for his healing miracle! Amen!

"Your latest book Victory Over the Kingdom of Darkness…is well researched and well written out. It is a wealth of knowledge and experience. I’d like to order four more copies to give away.” (Dr. George Duncan)
"Just finished reading your new book, 'Victory over the Kingdom of Darkness.' Great teaching and marvellous insight into this whole situation with demons etc. I would readily recommend this book to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the subject." (Ken Scott)
At a meeting at Grace Place City Church where Rev. Read Myers is the pastor, a young woman suffers from the Carpal Tunnel syndrome which causes pain in the wrist bones, fingers and thumb. She showed me her bandaged fingers with splints on some of them, and her hands which looked very sore. She was facing surgery the next week. She asked for a healing prayer. I asked her to pray along with me in her tongues language while I asked Jesus for a healing miracle. She fell to the floor praying in the Spirit. At the end of the service, she came to me and showed me her hands while she moved them around and clapped. She said, “Look! Look! Jesus healed my hands! Now I don’t need to have surgery. Praise the Lord!”
At Calvary Christian Centre in Sault Ste. Marie, ON, a man explained, “I need a financial miracle for my business. I started tithing 10% and raised it to 30%. My bills are piling up.” I asked him, “Has the Lord asked you to increase the tithes?” He answered, “No! But I wanted to be a cheerful giver.” “Not unless the Lord asked you to do it! That’s the reason why you are having financial problems” I explained. He responded, “I thought that it was the devil trying to ruin me,” he answered. “No its disobedience”, I pointed out to him, “Being a cheerful giver means to give what Jesus requires – not more or less – to impress Him. A cheerful giver is one who gives tithes, alms, and offerings when Jesus asks for us to do so.” He repented and we prayed that the Holy Spirit would guide him as he stirred up the Gift of Tongues (2 Tim. 1:6–7). Then, we prayed for healing of spots that were in his eyes. Two weeks later, he called me to say, “The spots have disappeared!” Then we prayed that Jesus would remove them permanently, like the blind man whom Jesus prayed for saw “men like trees walking” (Mk. 8:24). Just after we prayed again, he was healed! Amen!
During ministry time in the Templo Das Agvinas in Columbo, Brazil, a tall 24 year young man came for prayer. He was one of the musicians. He explained to me, “I want to have my spiritual eyes and ears opened so I can grow and write new music. I asked him, “Have you received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit yet?” He said, “No!” I said, “You need that so the Holy Spirit can give you new music. We prayed and he received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4; Mk. 16:17) as he fell to the floor (Is. 28:13). The next day, he came to me and said, “The Holy Spirit has already given me new music!" (Ps. 40:3).