The recent movie "Ghostbusters" has raised a lot of questions from people who have seen it. "Are ghosts spirits of dead people who have come back to haunt relatives or torment people presently living their past homes? The answer is no one who dies can come back from the dead in the spirit. When people die they either go to "Paradise" which is a temporary Heaven for the saved (Lk. 23:43) or to "Hades" (Lk. 16) a temporary hell. They are kept there until Jesus comes back to raise everyone from the dead. Those who are saved go to the "New Jerusalem" (Rev. 21:2) in "Heaven" and the unsaved go to the "Lake of Fire" (Rev. 20:10) in "Hell".
In the movie, ghosts/demons/evil spirits were pretending to be dead friends, family members or acquaintances. These beings are called "familiar spirits" (mentioned sixteen times in the King James Bible) pretend to be dead people that came back to deceive and mislead everyone. Ghosts/demons/evil spirits are not friendly. They are very dangerous and come to torment, make people sick, possess others with the motive to kill. They damage houses and property, machinery, start cars and trucks without keys, moving and destroying them (1 Pet. 5:8).
When removed from a person or place, they get sent to their own Hell called the "Abyss", (Lk. 8:31) which becomes their temporary Hell. After Jesus returns for the Judgement Day, they are moved into the permanent Hell for all of eternity.
Unfortunately they cannot be stopped and destroyed by the exceptional cosmic weapons used in the movie or any type of worldly weapons for that matter. Ghosts/evil spirits don't come from outer space; nor are they the fallen angels (Jude 1:6) that are mentioned in the Bible. Jesus Christ tells us how to deal with these beings by "casting them out". (Mk. 16:17). Only Christians who have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the “signs following" can successfully "cast out" demons/ evil spirits/ghosts. The indwelling and power of the Holy Spirit protects the believer from being possessed, and gives them the authority to do so.
In my recent book, “Victory Over The Kingdom of Darkness”, I explain how evil spirits/ghosts/are invented by evil people. I am constantly receiving calls from people all over Canada, USA and other countries who seek help for friends and family members who have evil spirits in their homes. If we can help, please don’t hesitate to contact me. ![]() |
"Gordon, The Ghost
Bustin' Man" It started off as just an ordinary Gordon Williams trip,
When all of a sudden things went wild, He got called to a house where the war was waging on, And that's no lie! The Holy Spirit kicked butt and won the day! Oh, It's Gordon, The ghost bustin' man; In the name of Jesus He's our man! If familiar spirits and spooky voices are among your company, Don't shake hands or shy away, but take a stand In the super power of the Holy Spirit, Be on the ghost bustin' team! c. 1997 Song & Lyrics by Margaret Williams & Frank Goudreault "VICTORY OVER THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS" is the most comprehensive teaching guide available today on spiritual warfare. Based on biblical theology, it is derived from many years of helping people to be freed from demonic oppression. (Rev. Gordon Williams)
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God's glory caused Ezekiel to fall upon his face. When God told him to stand up, he couldn't do it. Then the Holy Spirit entered him, and lifted him up on his feet. Then God spoke to him and Ezekiel got the message - loud and clear. God sent him on the "mission impossible" to be the prophet for Israel, a rebellious nation who... READ MORE... |
"SPIRIT-LED DAYS" - DAY BY DAY WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT is one of the most inspirational, detailed and theologically studies on the Holy Spirit. Using a daily devotional format, the reader is led step-by-step, day-by-day, into a study of what the entire scriptures reveal about the person of the Holy Spirit.
"THE FORGOTTEN KEY TO CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE" is God's key to a successful marriage.
Gordon's book outlines effective tools for building a happy marriage. Also explains why the divorce rate in the church is the same as in secular society and what to do about it. |
"LIKE A MIGHTY RUSHING WIND" is practical and important Christian teaching highlighting the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the 9 "Gifts of the Holy Spirit" as outlined in the Book of Corinthians. The results of Rev. Gordon Williams ministry have always been countless changed lives as people encounter Christ in His fullness.
c. 2016, Gordon Williams Evangelistic Association. |