Jesus made it very clear that there is only “ONE GOD” who does not change His name as He moves from one country to another. In Hebrew His Name is “Yahweh” (mentioned 6,823 times in the Old Testament and in Greek it is “Jesus” whose name means “Yahweh is Salvation” (mentioned 1,034 times and Christ 561 times in the New Testament. Paul explains that ALL other so-called Gods are “demons” (1 Cor. 10:10-22).
To pray to anyone else (other gods, dead people, angels) means that those prayers go unheard. Since Jesus is Emmanuel (God with us), we can pray to the Heavenly Father (Matt. 6:9; Lk. 11:13), to Jesus Christ (Jn. 15:7) and the Holy Spirit (Jn. 16: 8–15). Peter said it best, “And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other Name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). God has made prayer very simple: talk to Him by any of His three Names and you will be pleasantly pleased.
Gordon is inviting you to run the Victory Race of perseverance that is set before us by Jesus. It is a race, like no other race which wins by witnessing for Jesus and praying for other peoples need which all results in Salvation and confirmed by Jesus” with “Signs, Wonders & Miracles (Mk. 16: 15–20; Heb. 2:4). As partners, we can change people’s lives through prayer. And your prayer opens the doors for Gordon to lead people to Salvation, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, healing and deliverance.

A woman sent me an email from the Springfield Missouri area, USA. She explained that she was concerned about her husband that he might have a demon. I telephoned her and after discussing the problem, I concluded that he did not have a demon. The problem is that he is tired and angry of going to churches where there were no Signs, Wonders and Miracles (Heb. 2:4). She agreed and told me that they had gone to many churches which were nothing but bad entertainment. She had not received the Baptism of the Spirit so I asked her if she would like to receive the Holy Spirit. She agreed and prayed with me and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and easily began to speak in tongues language. She asked, “Can you recommend a good church in our area where the Holy Spirit is moving and where the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 12:6–10; 1 Cor. 12:8–10) are being used. Since I didn’t know of one, I called a friend who used to live in the area and he recommended one. I sent her a copy of our lastest book.
“JESUS HEALED ME!” (1 PET. 2:24)
Lust is one of those ‘vain imaginations’ (Rom. 1:21 KJV) that causes a person to mis-direct their sexual desire towards somebody who is not your spouse. When this temptation comes upon you, it is necessary to start to pray in tongues which will put your attention on Jesus so the Holy Spirit can direct your attention to your spouse or some ministry that the Holy Spirit wants you to do.
This is what Paul was trying to explain when he wrote about husband-wife sexual relations that could not be satisfied for various reasons. He directs us to turn our attention to Jesus by setting aside the lust when it was not possible to have a marital relationship by using the Gift of the Holy Spirit which we all receive when we receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 7:7).
He is referring to the “Gift of Speaking in tongues” (Acts 2:4; Mk.16:17). This will take your attention away from lust and replace it upon the healthy alternative of the fruit of the Holy Spirit of “self-control”. So, whenever you catch yourself tempted to lust, start praying in your tongues language and the Holy Spirit will show your some ministry Jesus has for you to do. So he prayed in tongues and found he was set free from the lust that had been tormenting him. Praise the Lord!

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