Easter - Jesus is Alive!
GWEA Monthly Message, April 2019
Easter is a reminder of what the disciple Matthew said about Jesus: "He has risen,
He is not here” (Matt. 28:6). Jesus is the only one who has the power (different from other religions), to raise people from the dead on the Last Day. He said, "I am the resurrection and the life” (Jn.11:22). Only Jesus can raise the dead, and give us the hope of eternal life” (Jn. 5:25-29). Jesus is alive today with the authority to forgive us for our sin. Through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, we can have a relationship with Him. In Greek, the word "pistueo," means "to believe,” and establishes a personal relationship with Him. Without a personal relationship, it is almost impossible to believe what the Bible tells us. It is by knowing Him personally that we can trust Jesus to do all the signs, wonders and miracles that He performed while on this earth (Jn. 4:48). They are our assurance that just as He was raised from the dead, we also will be raised from the dead. The Holy Spirit is "the guarantee” or down payment to our inheritance until we acquire possession of it (Eph 1:13). All religions do not worship and serve the same God, nor does God change His name from one country to another. Just as we do not change the name on our passports every time we travel from one country to another, Jesus did not change his name either. No other religion can offer what Jesus offers. Paul said all other religions and occult practices worship demons, evil spirits, and the devil/satan (1 Cor. 10:20-21). Peter made that perfectly clear when he stated, "There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). Jesus” in Greek means "Yahweh is Salvation.” In Hebrew, "Yahweh” means "I am who I am” (Ex. 3:14) and it is mentioned in the Old Testament 8,623 times. When Jesus shouted, "It is finished,” He paid for the sins of the world, meaning all our sin. At "Gordon’s Tomb” in Jerusalem, thought to be the tomb where Jesus was laid, somebody wrote on the wall, "He is not here, He has arisen.” Jesus is alive today and He wants you to know Him personally in a day to day, talking relationship through the Holy Spirit. We believe in a living Jesus Christ! Paul emphasized, "But I am not ashamed to know whom I have believed, and I am sure that he is able to guard until that day what has been entrusted to me” (2 Tim. 1:12). Jesus went away to prepare a place for us (Jn. 14:2), and when He did, He put his seal upon us (2 Cor.1:22), and gave us the ministry of "signs, wonders and miracles" (Mk. 16:17-18) along with the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit” (Rom. 12:6-8; 1 Cor.12:8-10).
A 60 year old man, who had recently received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, called me and said, "Imagine that! I was raised in the Church and for the first time God talked to me!” If you have not experienced Salvation, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, healing, or you want to hear the Holy Spirit speak to you, please come to one of our meetings for prayer. "Happy Easter!” ![]() If you have not received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, I invite you come to one of our house meetings or to contact me for prayer and guidance. If you have a prayer request or praise report, please contact me so we can pray for you!
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