Thank you for visiting the Gordon Williams Evangelistic Association's Website.
Welcome to the exciting work and ministry of the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit will draw you closer to your Heavenly Father and help you experience more of Jesus. Through the Holy Spirit, you will experience the love of God more perfectly. He will empower you to serve Jesus Christ faithfully with a new confidence. As you commune with Him daily, he will be your constant companion sent special delivery from Jesus!
The "new holiness" of the New Testament is more than just not sinning. It is living in the presence of the Heavenly Father which takes us through the metamorphosis from an awkward, disobedient, ugly sinner into a born-again, beautiful, grace-full, obedient believer.
"But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8)
Evangelism is needed to establish, build and equip the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:12). Jesus proclaims that the fields are continuously ripe and ready for harvesting (John 4:35). The information and resources within our website have been designed as a tool to help you in becoming acquainted with the Person and the work of the Holy Spirit so that God's plan for your live can be accomplished through His power.
Please contact us and let us know how we can help you on your Spirit-led journey and be of service to you and your community.
Essential Book for All Christians: "Like a Rushing, Mighty Wind"
Exciting New Ministry Book: "Victory over the Kingdom of Darkness"
Gordon's book, "Victory over the Kingdom of Darkness" is the most comprehensive teaching guide available today on spiritual warfare. Based on biblical theology, it is derived from many years of helping people to be freed from demonic oppression. This book should be a text in every seminary, in every church and in every home. Here are some testimonials to what people are saying:
"I thank God for allowing me to have Gordon Williams as a friend and as a great inspiration in my life. Read his books and hear him preach at every opportunity you can; God will meet you there!" Rev. Maury Blair (Executive Director of Breakthrough Ministries Canada)
"Your latest book 'Victory Over the Kingdom of Darkness'…is well researched and well written out. It is a wealth of knowledge and experience. I’d like to order four more copies to give away.” (Dr. George Duncan)
"Just finished reading your new book, 'Victory over the Kingdom of Darkness.' Great teaching and marvelous insight into this whole situation with demons etc. I would readily recommend this book to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the subject." (Ken Scott)
Click below for a sample of the GWEA Monthly E-Newsletter, "Like a Rushing Mighty Wind". Subscribe free of charge.
Upcoming Ministry Events and Services...
Date: See Current Monthly Ministry Calendar.
Have a Question about the Holy Spirit? Ask us anything... 
True understanding of the Holy Spirit's function is the greatest secret in Christian circles today! It is a secret which prevents believers from living the balanced, normal Christian life Jesus came to bring - a secret that can be unlocked only through recognizing and receiving the daily ministry of the Holy Spirit. Gordon's ministry is to "equip the Saints for ministry." Send your message here >>>
A Message to our Partners about Donations...
More and more people are sending online donations by credit card. We encourage those sending online PayPal offerings to use our GWEA Donation form, which is fully automated and secured through PayPal, and you don't need a PayPal account to donate!
PLEASE NOTE: Those who wish to donate from their personal PayPal account, please use our email address. |
Donating by E-transfer is simple:
- First, log in to your financial institution's online or mobile banking account. Then navigate to the Interac E-Transfer option. All major banks and credit institutions have this option.
- Add the to the sender list. Type in the amount you wish to donate. Select your account you want your e-transfer to come from. That's it! :) All interac e-transfers to the email address will now be automatically deposited! No extra password needed!
- Send Gordon a message by clicking here on our online ministry DONATION form. Check off the interac e-transfer option and complete your contact information to ensure that an income tax receipt will be sent to you at the end of the tax year.
May the Lord Jesus bless you abundantly for your faithful giving to the GWEA ministry!