September 2015

Because we know Jesus as our Saviour we can invite you to send your prayer requests for personal, family, friends, acquaintances, salvation, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, healing, church needs, so we can pray for you. Also please let us know when Jesus has met your needs (Philip. 4:19) so we can also thank Him along with you!
Because we know Jesus as our Saviour we can invite you to send your prayer requests for personal, family, friends, acquaintances, salvation, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, healing, church needs, so we can pray for you. Also please let us know when Jesus has met your needs (Philip. 4:19) so we can also thank Him along with you!
The first and greatest rewards for being a “cheerful giver” is that we see people saved, Baptized with the Holy Spirit, receive demons cast out of people, healing of their diseases and food and clothing and personal needs and financial needs being met. God loves “a cheerful giver because He Himself is the example of a “Cheerful Giver”. And, Paul is also pointing out that when we are examples of “cheerful givers”, “you may always have enough of everything and may provide in abundance for every good work”. Being Jesus’ witnesses, by giving to the “poor in Spirit” (Matt. 5:3) as well as physically, catches His attention. When Jesus sends people to us who need help, it is “a test of service” in which we glorify God. So, remember that it is not by accident that He sends people our way, so we will “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to the whole of creation” (Mk.16:15). Because of your financial help, we have never refused people who need help. Jesus sends needy people to us in order to test our ministry. The “signs, wonders and miracles” (Heb. 2:4) are the proof of the promised sowing of the seed by preaching of the Gospel.
Remember that your monthly support allows Gordon to accept invitations in any church, small or large in any town or city in Canada, the USA or other country. So keep on being a “Cheerful Giver” so we can increase our ministry. Please pray and ask Jesus what you should do. Also please continue to pray for Gordon’s healing of a blood clot in his left leg which developed in his left leg due to the recent car accident which has restricted his traveling to do ministry.
To make a financial contribution to Gordon's ministry, donate online using our secure "Pay Pal” cart on our web site using a credit card. Mailed cheque donations are to be made out to "The Gordon Williams Evangelistic Ass’n” or "G.W.E.A”.
At a meeting in Hamilton, ON, a young woman in her 30’s explained, “I have been a Christian for many years and I have never spoken in tongues. I don’t understand the necessity for tongues. I just know that it seems to be necessary in order for me to be an effective Christian and to pray for people for their healing.” The necessity is to give Jesus some control over what we say through the Holy Spirit so that we can witness and pray effectively (Lk.12:11-12). She answered, “Well I don’t understand how to begin to speaking in tongues.” I explained, “You cannot do it until after I pray with you to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.” She agreed and prayed with me and she fell to the floor (Is. 28: 13). With some struggle, she began to speak in her new tongues-language (Mk.16:17) which is God’s Communications System (Jn. 16:13–15). Now she can pray for healing!
In Edam Pentecostal Church, Edam, SK, a woman in her 30’s who came for prayer told me, “I’ve been baptized with the Holy Spirit and I speak in tongues. But I’m afraid to speak in tongues because the devil or an evil spirit will jump right inside me. So, I don’t want to speak in tongues and I know that I need to.” I explained, “You have nothing to worry about. When Jesus forgave you you were completely forgiven all of your sin (1 Jn. 1:9). When you were filled with the Holy Spirit, He filled your whole body. There is only room for ONE HOLY SPIRIT. Neither the devil nor evil spirits (demons) can get into your flesh. You have been living with a lie. The Holy Spirit is our guarantee that we are completely protected (Eph.1:13–14). Jesus has given us this guarantee: “What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, instead of a fish will give him a serpent (devil, demon, evil spirit). You have authority over the devil (Jas. 4:7) and demons (Mk. 16:17). I asked her to “stir up” her Gift of Tongues and she began to pray freely in her tongues language. The fear was replaced with “the joy of the Lord” (Neh. 8:10) and a big smile.
At the House meeting in our home, two ladies were accompanied by their friends for prayer. One was in her late 20’s and the other in her early 60’s. When I asked them, “What would you like to have prayer for?” The first answered, “The Baptism of the Holy Spirit so I can have the evidence of speaking in tongues?” I turned to the other one and she also said, “I would also like to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit so speak in tongues and know God’s plan for my life.” I laid hands on both of them at the same time and they prayed with me to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and began to speak in their tongues-languages. One of the ladies who accompanied them, remarked, “You both received the Holy Spirit and you both have the same coloured hair!”
I was requested to visit a doctor who had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease which meant that he was suffering from a serious disease that affected his brain and therefore he had a problem with his memory. He was living in a facility in Brampton, ON that looked after people who had the same problem. His daughter had prayed with him for healing and asked me to visit him and pray with him to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit so that, as I have been teaching, by praying with the tongues language he would have a personal relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit and when he prayed each day with the language that he would be given, he would be healed (1 Cor. 14:4) and be able to know Jesus’ plan for his life. On my third visit, we prayed and he received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and easily received his Holy Spirit given language. He explained to me “For a while my mind had been cloudy, but suddenly, it cleared up. I can’t explain what happened. I said, “It happened because your daughter and we have been praying for your healing and Jesus healed you.” He responded, “Thank you all!”
Three years ago, I was invited to do a retreat at Fair Havens Ministries, near Beaverton, ON. Before breakfast, on the second day, a married couple approached me. The woman explained, “I have cancer in my abdomen. The doctor told me that it was in remission.” Her husband interrupted, “She still has cancer and it can get worse at any time.” She asked me, “Will you pray for my healing?” He said, “You have a healing ministry?” I agreed! She asked me if I had done ministry at the Abundant Life Conference in Kitchener and I agreed. She remembered me from there. I asked her if she had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit yet. She replied, “I think so but I’m not sure.” I asked for it at the Conference and think I did but then I stopped.
I explained to her the importance of praying in tongues for healing (1 Cor. 14:4). So I suggested that she pray as Paul instructed Timothy ( 2 Tim.1:6–7) – “to stir up the gift of God” (tongues) she had received. I could confirm it. We prayed for the Holy Spirit to renew her and stir up the Gift and she easily began to speak in her tongues language. Then we prayed for healing of her cancer. She exclaimed, “I feel full of light!” (Rom.12:11). Then we prayed with her husband to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and he easily began to receive his Holy Spirit given tongues language (Acts 19:6) and we prayed for healing for his right hip and back which were hurting.