GWEA Monthly Ministry Report: March 2014

At a meeting in Shellbrook, SK, a 10 year old girl came to have prayer with her mother in order to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. As I prayed with both of them, her mother began to speak in tongues. Then, as I prayed with the girl her eyes filled up with tears as she began to speak in tongues and fell to the floor. After the service we went to a restaurant for lunch, the girl was leaving with her mother. She stopped and said to me with a big smile, "Thank you! I feel so nice now.”
A young woman who is studying at a Pentecostal Bible College, explained, "I haven’t received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit yet.” We prayed and she received the Holy Spirit & spoke in tongues” (Acts 2: 4).
At Calling Lake, AB, where the Pastor is Robert Cardinal, a man shared his testimony about what Jesus had done for him last night. He said, "Jesus forgave me and set me free from alcoholism and for my bad treatment of my wife.” I asked him, "What do you need prayer for?” He said, "Everything! Everything!” I said, "Everything is the Holy Spirit.” "Yes!” he said in a loud voice. He prayed with me and received the Baptism Holy Spirit and began to speak in his new tongues language” (Acts 19: 6). Later, his wife shared her testimony about how bad her life had been with her husband’s abusive treatment and alcoholism and the great change in him since last night. Then, she said, "I need the Holy Spirit.” We prayed and she received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues (Acts 19: 6).
At Spring Bay Camp, Manitoulin Island, ON, a very tall man responded to the altar call. He explained, "I want to have my sins forgiven so I can go to heaven.” He prayed with me, through tears, to ask Jesus to forgive him and I assured him of his salvation. Then, I asked him, "Would you also like to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit so you can have the power to fulfill Gods plans for your life?” "Yes, I would”, he said calmly and firmly. He prayed with me to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and fell to the floor speaking in tongues. Then, I turned to his wife and asked her what she would like to have prayer for. She explained that she had just accompanied her husband. I then asked her, "Have you received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit yet, to which she answered, "No!” I then asked her, "Since your husband has just been Baptized with the Holy Spirit and is speaking in tongues, would you like too?” She answered, "Yes!” So, I prayed with her and she fell down under the power of the Holy Spirit speaking in tongues beside her husband. .
At the Victory Family Church, Swift Current, SK, a man in his 70’s said, "I need prayer for healing of my back.” I asked him, "Are you a Christian?” He answered, "I think so.” So, I asked him to pray along with me for forgiveness and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and for healing.” He agreed and as we prayed, he invited Jesus to be his Saviour and Lord and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit praying in tongues. Now, he was sure that he was a Christian with a healed back. "If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” (Lk. 11:13).
Recently, I received a telephone call from a friend who has recently moved to Kincardine, ON. While he and his wife were going from church to church looking for a good church, they discovered one that caught their attention. However, they were told that the Pastor’s 4 year old daughter was having a problem at night when she was sleeping. She would wake up crying with what some people would call night terrors. This had been going on for over a year. He suggested that, with his permission, he would call me in order to see if I could help. When he told me what had been happening to the beautiful girl, I immediately remarked, "It sounds to me like she is being harassed by demons\evil spirits.” He said, "That’s exactly what I thought might be the problem!” So, I went up to the Pastor’s house and met him and his daughter. She is a very bright and talkative girl. I asked her about what had been happening in her bedroom. Then, I asked her if she would let me pray with her and she was very agreeable. We prayed asking Jesus to forgive her for any bad things she had done and asked the Holy Spirit to fill her heart.
Then, I asked my friend and the Pastor to take her outside while I went through the house and her bedroom in order to cast out the evil spirits which were harassing his daughter. And, as suspected, I encountered the evil spirits in her bedroom that attempted to resist me. Regardless, I cast them out by commanding them to leave and to go to the Abyss (Lk. 8: 31). Then, I asked the Holy Spirit to fill every room in the house with His presence so there would be peace in the house. The next day, I received a call from the Pastor in which he explained that after I had gone, they discovered a glob of his wife’s hand cream on the wall of his daughter’s bedroom. He wondered if I had put it there. I laughed as I explained, "No! I did not. But often when evil spirits are being cast out of a house, they demonstrate their resistance by leaving or doing something as a sign of their protest.” I then suggested that he clean the cream off the wall so there would be no sign of them ever being there. She can now sleep without any so-called "night terrors” or what I call "night terrorists”.
Often when people’s homes have been invaded by demons/evil spirits, I am asked, "What have we done wrong that would cause them to come into our house?” They will come, not because the people have been doing something wrong, but just the opposite, they were doing something right – serving Jesus Christ and doing His work and ministry. They will attack, harass and attempt to possess anybody from babies to seniors. This is part of what is called "Spiritual Warfare” (Eph. 6: 12). A WARNING: Do not attempt to do this ministry if you have not received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the Signs Following (Mk. 16: 17) and received instruction about how to do this. If not, you will be attacked, hurt, embarrassed like the Seven Sons of Sceva (Act 19: 13 – 17). And, the evils spirits/demons will remain in control.
In Jesus’ "Parable of the Lost Sheep”, He is inviting us to go out and find the lost sheep. They are lost in the wilderness of their lives and cannot find their way home to Jesus. The interesting thing about sheep is that they can eat their way through fences and away from their homes looking for the right flock of sheep and the Shepherd named Jesus who will take them into His Sheep Fold or Barn and look after them. This is the reason why Jesus after He was raised from the dead, asked Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” It sounds in English that Jesus was asking Peter the same question three times. But He wasn’t doing that. The first two times, Jesus used the word "agape love” which a person can only have after he or she has received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5: 5). Peter answered Jesus questions by saying, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” The problem was that Peter used a different word for love: philos love. He was saying twice, "You are my friend.” The third question Jesus asked him was, "Do you love me as a friend?” Peter could honestly say, "You are my friend”. Jesus knew that Peter could not 1. Feed Jesus’ lambs. 2. He could not tend His Sheep. 3. He could not feed His Sheep; until Peter was baptized with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 4) and then he could look after Jesus’ Sheep who are His people.
If you would like to be a "finding lost sheep partner” who will help find Jesus’ lost sheep, please pray for Gordon and financial help to accomplish the ministry to which Jesus has called him. Ask Jesus what you can do to accomplish this great work.
Let’s bring joy in heaven over every sinner who repents. (Lk. 15: 7)
In "The Parable of the Widow and the Judge”, Jesus makes clear that God is open to prayer on a 24 hour basis, day and night. He is not like an unjust judge. He is available to supply our needs. He will not delay over them but will meet the needs quickly. So, send in your needs on "The Prayer Card”: for family, health problems, business & financial problems, healing, spiritual problems, friends, church, whatever you need or by mail, telephone, Email, fax, Web page. And, when Jesus meets your needs, let us know so we can thank Him. Jesus still bears witness by Signs, Wonders and Miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his own will ”(Heb. 2: 4).