"Ministry Message" for September 2017
 The "Fruit" and the "Gifts" of the Holy Spirit are Ministry Partners
In my ministry travels, I continue to hear people say that they want to receive the "Fruit of the Holy Spirit," but when I tell them they need to receive the "Gifts of the Holy Spirit" also, they hesitate and express their dissatisfaction.
The Fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22-23).
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are prophecy, service, teaching, exhortation, giving, aid, mercy (Rom. 12:6–8); the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, various kinds of tongues languages, and the interpretation of tongues (languages) as outlined in 1st Corinthians, Chapter 12, verses 8 to 10.
"Ministry Report" for September 2017
Jesus’ disciples asked him, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Lk. 11:1). He compared it to a friend who at midnight, asks his neighbor to lend him 3 loaves of bread. His first reaction was no, but his second reaction was yes because of his persistence. He gave him whatever he needed. Our Heavenly Father is our “Good neighbor” who will give us whatever we need, including the Holy Spirit. Prayer is simply asking Jesus! He will supply our needs!
If you, a family member, loved one, and/or a friend, have not yet received Salvation, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, or need prayer for a healing miracle, please don't delay.
Please email us your prayer requests whether personal, or involving family, friends, enemies, acquaintances, salvation, healing, deliverance, business, church; etc. Whatever your needs are, we will pray for you (Philip. 4:19). Also, let us know when Jesus answers your prayer so we can thank Him along with you (Lk. 16:16).
"He who has an ear, let Him hear what the Holy Spirit says to the church!" (Rev. 2:29)
Jesus’ first disciples were fishermen. He found them as he walked along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. The first two were brothers, one Simon (called Peter) and the other Andrew. Jesus' offer was one that they couldn’t refuse: “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” In Greek that means fishing for all people including men, women and children. It was a similar invitation Jesus gave me along with His promise: “If you will come and work for me, I will supply all of your needs according to my riches in glory.”
Really it’s the same deal for everyone who says, yes and agrees to work for Jesus. Our net or bait is His Gospel which offers forgiveness of sin, salvation, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, healing, deliverance and a reservation in the New Jerusalem (Heaven).
Fishing for Jesus is a 24 hour, 365 – 366 day, exciting work experience. There's a church located on the highway south of where we live that has a sign which says, “Gone Fishing. See you back in September.” They have abandoned their ministry at a time when people are desperately looking for a good church with the signs, wonders and miracles. Sadly, there is nobody fishing for people fish this summer!
With your prayer and help, we continue to do the ministry of Jesus Christ all year around. When you support our ministry, you are a member of Jesus’ crew and you'll receive credit due for every person who receives ministry.
It is our Partners who care for the lost fish as well as the lost sheep. Remember when some of Jesus disciples were abandoning Him, Peter said: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You alone have the words of eternal life” (Jn. 6:68). Imagine that! We who are Jesus’ fishermen (and fisher women), have the only authorized fishing permits to lead, minister and harvest.
Gordon continues to receive many invitations, and because of your help, he does not charge fees to the churches or ministries that invite him, regardless of their size. Like the Apostle Paul, we urge you to send a love offering or financial gift to allow Gordon to continue to accept invitations as he is led by the Holy Spirit, here in Canada, the USA, or in other countries.
Please pray and continue to be a “cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7), asking Jesus how you can contribute.
The Holy Spirit is our Counselor, Comforter, and our Guide.
We need to hear the "Voice of the Holy Spirit" daily to live an exciting Christian life.
Equipping the Saints for Ministry in the Power of the Holy Spirit.
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