At our Miracle Service at Carrick Camp, near Mildmay, ON, a man brought his wife to the altar for prayer. I asked, “What would you like to have prayer for?” With tears, she explained, “I’m not a good mother! My children hate me.

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I wanted to give a testimony regarding the books and tapes that have been given through Diane. They are God incident not co-incident! Gord's tape on the Holy Spirit as well as "The Caterpillar to Butterfly" has really helped my understanding and to move forward walking in the Gifts properly. I also spoke to a fellow struggling sister in the Lord about this and she was very open and asked Diane to borrow them to her. Since then she has also read some of Gordon's books and has been able to break through resistance. She is now running her nursery in her gifts and anointing. Her son has also been able to move forward and is now a worship leader and is doing very well.
There is another couple that has been born again for many years but has never been baptized in the Holy Spirit. Diane was led to lend them her tapes. They have hesitated and remain watching but she spoke to them again today and was led by the Lord to tell them that the material was going to help them in their calling. They were much more open and excited to watch the videos now. I very much believe that this will help them a lot.

There is also a young woman who expressed her disillusion about why we Christians don’t see more miracles and manifestations of the Spirit and Diane gave her "Spirit Led Days" as well as a CD and tape to listen to. Regarding, Clock Watchers, I was very fearful in this area and am now set free to move forward in faith. Halleluia! And much more!
At the Calgary Pentecostal Church, Calgary, AB, a young man in his 20’s explained, “I am a Born Again Christian but I cannot hear God speaking. What is the problem?” I explained that the problem is that today, God speaks through the Holy Spirit and, therefore, he needed to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit so he could pray in tongues and hear the Holy Spirit speak to him every day telling him what Jesus wants to tell you (Jn. 16: 13 – 14). Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot hear what Jesus plans are for you every day (Rev. 2: 3). We prayed and he received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and fell to the floor speaking in tongues. Now he can hear God speaking to him!

At the Victory Church in Swift Current SK, a man in his 50’s asked for prayer for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and healing of his lower back which I had mentioned in a “Word of Knowledge” (1 Cor. 12: 8). We prayed and he fell to the floor speaking in tongues. I checked his legs and discovered that one was about 3 inches shorter than the other and prayed for his leg to lengthen to the same length as it did and for healing. When he stood up, he said, “My back is healed!”

At the Full Gospel Business Men’s (FGBMFI) Banquet in Owen Sound ON, a young man in his 20’s explained, “I am a Christian but I can’t stop drinking. I asked, “Have you received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?” He answered, “Yes, but when my friends invite me to drink, I can’t stop. Do I need to have deliverance?” I said, “No! But you have to learn how to use the Gift of Speaking in tongues. When you are tempted, start praying in tongues and Jesus will show you some ministry to do.