Beginning on February 22 we entered that period of Lent in which for 40 Days before Easter, we remember the work and ministry of Jesus then His death and resurrection from the dead as our Saviour. It’s been the practice of most churches to recommend that during Lent that Christians make some kind of personal sacrifice in tribute to Jesus’ ministry by giving up or attempting to give up some bad habit.
This is the reason why we invite you to email us your prayer requests or needs: personal, family, friends, acquaintances, business problems, church and health needs to us so we can pray for you. Also, please let us know when Jesus meets your needs and email us your praise reports!
When Paul wrote to the Church in Corinth, he said, “As for Titus, he is my partner and fellow worker in your service; and as for our brethren, they are apostles of the churches, the glory of Christ” (2 Cor. 8:23). No person can do the ministry of Jesus without having “partners and fellow workers”. You are Gordon’s partners and fellow workers through your prayer and financial support of his ministry. Paul was sending Titus and other Christians to the Church to receive their promised financial support for his ministry. And he was reminding them, and us, that “God loves a cheerful giver” (1 Cor. 9: 7). The money they sent would be “seed” for a harvest measured in terms of the people who are saved, Baptized with the Holy Spirit, healed receive deliverance and have their physical needs met (Matt. 24: 31-46). Jesus explains this in the “Parable of the Sower” who sows the word and the harvest are those people who are the “good soil” and “who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirty fold and sixty fold and a hundredfold” (Mk. 4:3-9;14-20). Remember that your monthly support allows Gordon to sow seed in any church, small or large in any town city in Canada, the USA or other country. So keep on being “Cheerful Giver” because you give him the seed to be harvested into the Kingdom of God.
At Glad Tidings Church, Perth ON, I received a “word of knowledge” (1 Cor. 12: 8) that there was a young man in the service who had received a “Call from God to go into full-time ministry”. He has been playing church and it was time that he started being the Church. Your “Call” is real.” A young man, red-headed, built like a football player, 28 - 30 years old came to the altar with tears in his eyes. He said, “I’m the one who has being playing Church. I’m tired of running” He surrendered his life to Jesus as he fell to the floor praying in in tongues (1 Cor. 12: 10).
At the Family Church, Woodstock ON, where the pastor is Rev. Ken Charlton, a 45 year old man said, “I want to know God’s Plan for my life. I am a Christian and I am baptized with the Holy Spirit. I’m always afraid to go ahead and do anything for fear that I am going to do the wrong thing.” So, I asked him to pray in tongues as I prayed for Jesus to show him the plan He has for him. As he did so, I received the interpretation of his tongues language which was, “You have already been hearing my Spirit speak to you but you have let your fear stop you. When you hear My voice and that fear comes up you will know what I want you to do. After a while, as you gain confidence, the fear will disappear with faithfulness.” He said, “That explains it all!”
Last month, we had an exciting House Meeting in Grafton, ON where 15 people came who were seeking to have the Normal and Exciting Christian Life. After teaching about the Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit which can only be received after a person has received Salvation, we had a time for questions. I was then asked, “How do we receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?” I commented, “I thought you would never ask!” The result was that all 15 people easily received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of “Speaking in their Tongues Languages” (Acts 2: 4) including“the Signs Following” (MK. 16: 17 - 20) which confirm our preaching and ministry.
At a meeting in Welland, ON a young man in his 20's explained, I’m addicted to smoking cigarettes. I need to be healed and I want to be Baptized with the Holy Spirit. I said, “No problem!” Then, I explained that after he received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, whenever he got the desire to smoke it would be necessary for him to pray in tongues (Eph. 6: 18) and the desire to smoke would go away because any addiction, like smoking, was our human attempt to fulfill “the hunger and thirst for righteousness” (Matt. 5: 10) that we have all been born with. It is the need to have a right relationship with Jesus. I also explained that it would take the equivalent of praying in tongues that would be equal to smoking 3 packages of 20 cigarettes. That is about 300 minutes or 5 hours of praying in tongues. I told him that one young man told me that he had “smoked in tongues for 5 hours” and he was now free. We prayed and he received Salvation (1 Jn. 1: 9) and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues (Acts 16: 9).
"These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so." (Acts 17:11)