

GWEA Monthly Ministry Report: June 2013

Rev. Gordon Williams, Evangelist


At "Lifespring Finnish Church, Sault Ste Marie, ON, a man in his 60's who was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, explained, "I’m losing parts of my memory. Can God heal me?” I answered, "Yes! But, it requires that you receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit so He can give you the ‘mind of Christ’ (1 Cor. 2: 16) and heal you when you pray or speak in tongues” (1 Cor. 14: 4). "I’ll do whatever it takes!” I asked his wife if she had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit yet to which she said, "No.” I explained that if she would receive the Holy Spirit, she could pray in tongues for him every day with the laying on of hands so he could be healed (Mk. 16: 18). Also, he would be able to pray in tongues for his own healing. They both agreed and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues (Acts 2: 4) as we prayed for his healing.
At the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship, Sault Ste. Marie Chapter’s breakfast whose President is Bernie Cormier, a man in his 60's explained, "I have a pain in my heart that comes and goes.” He had tests done by his doctor in the hospital and they couldn't find anything wrong with his heart. He explained that he needed prayer for his heart to be healed. I asked him, if he had received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. He answered, "Yes, some years ago but I only prayed in tongues at that time.” I explained that when we did not pray in tongues, in the Spirit, about everything (Eph. 6: 18), the Holy Spirit tries to get us to do so by causing physical symptoms. The pain in his heart was caused by the Holy Spirit trying to get him to cooperate so He could communicate with him and tell him what Jesus wanted him to do in ministry every day as he prayed in the tongues language that he had received. He asked, "What do I need to do?” I said, "Like Paul told Timothy, you need to ‘Stir up the Gift you received (tongues) every day so the Holy Spirit could show him God’s plan. ‘For God has not given us a Spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind’ (2 Tim. 1: 7). Pray in English or French (since he was bi-lingual) and then with your tongues language and the pain will cease. I asked him to pray in his tongues language & the pain left his heart.
"WE NEED GOD IN OUR LIVES” (LK. 11: 13)Gordon Williams Monthly Newsletter June 2013
A married couple in their 30's explained, "We need God in our lives so we can both be good parents.” We prayed and they received forgiveness for their sin and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (and both received their gifts of speaking in their new spiritual languages (Mk. 16: 17 - 18). Now, they have God in their lives.
"NOTHING WAS WRONG!” (ACTS 8: 14 - 17)
A man in his 50's explained, "I have had prayer many times to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit: alone, at Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship and at church. What is wrong with me?” I said, "Probably nothing! You are going to receive the Holy Spirit right now.” I laid hands on him and he received the Holy Spirit and he burst into tongues. I commented, "The cork popped as you received the new wine” (Matt. 9: 16 - 18) as tears of joy poured down his cheeks and he fell to the floor speaking in his new tongues language (Acts 2: 4). The problem is that not everybody can minister the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as was the case with Philip (Acts 8: 4 - 8). Nor, can everybody receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit when they are alone. Jesus gives the ministry of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit to those whom He chooses. But everybody needs the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Mk. 16: 17 - 18; Acts10: 34).
"This is to support your ministry and reports. Jesus Christ our Lord has healed my back and would hope to encourage you and say, ‘Still the same Lord. We had a meeting where you preached on "tongues”. The day after my back was healed and I had no more pain. I was able to give my cane to a friend of mine.....Let me know your ministry needs. God Bless You Through Our Lord Christ Jesus.” From a letter from E.P.R”
At a Sunday morning Church Service in Ecuador, a young mother was nursing her baby on her breast. When, I asked her, "What would you like to have prayer for?” She said, "I would like to be Baptized with the Holy Spirit.” I asked her if she would like another lady to hold her baby while we prayed. She answered, "Sir, it is not necessary! My baby is fine.” She prayed with me and received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and fell to the floor speaking in tongues while holding her baby.
A woman in her late 40's who had a very large tumour around her neck caused by an hyperactive thyroid gland. She asked for prayer for healing of her thyroid gland and to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. She prayed with me for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and she fell backwards (Is. 28: 10) on the floor speaking in tongues (Mk. 16: 17) and the tumour disappeared.
The ministry that Gordon does as an Evangelist is to tell all the people who have been invited to God’s Banquet, "Come; for all is now ready.” Jesus has completed His work. "Now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor. 6: 2). The menu has been prepared with 1. "the bread of life” (Jesus: Jn. 6: 35, 48, 51) and 2. "new wine” (Holy Spirit: Matt. 9: 17; Mk. 2: 22; Jn. 2: 10) 3. "Living Water” (Holy Spirit: Jn. 4: 10; 7: 37 - 39; Rev. 7: 17). "The Invitation” received when a person receives salvation, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. We eat at this table when we do ministry: witnessing (Acts 1: 8), Signs Following (Mk. 16: 17 - 20), Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 12: 6 - 8; 2 Cor. 12: 8 - 10) and verified by the Fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5: 22 - 22) and doing the works of Jesus (Jn. 14: 12). We get fed every time we do ministry. We starve ourselves when ever we do not do ministry. Please help Gordon bring in all those people who replace those who have excused themselves (Lk. 14: 18 - 20) from the Banquet. So, let’s bring in the replacement guests (Lk. 14: 21 - 24). Help us fill up the God’s Banquet.
Gordon has a unique ministry in this sense. He wants to continue to accept invitations from churches, regardless of size anyplace in Canada, the USA or any country in the world without setting fees. So, we ask you to pray and ask Jesus what you can do to help Gordon. Then, fill in "The Special Offering Card” (opposite side of "The Prayer Card”) & return it in the self-addressed envelope. We also have "Pay Pal” available on our Web Site so you can contribute with your Credit Cards. Cheques & Money Orders should be made out to the "Gordon Williams Evangelistic Ass’n or simply "G.W.E.A.”" Income tax receipts are sent out at the end of each year. "HELP US TO INCREASE THE HARVEST IN 2013!”
A the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship (F.G.B.M.F.I) in Sault Ste Marie, the President and his wife brought their 4 year old grand daughter for prayer. She was very, very shy. I asked her, "Would you like Jesus to fill your heart with the Holy Spirit?” She moved her head up and down and whispered, "Yes!”. I asked her to pray with me, "Jesus, please forgive me for the bad things I’ve done. And, please fill my heart with the Holy Spirit so I can pray in the special language you have for me.” She then began to speak in her special language (tongues: Acts 19: 6).
James, Jesus’ brother, gives us valuable advice about prayer which when followed results in an exciting life in which the promises of Jesus become an everyday part of our lives. In different words, Paul says the same thing, "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus” (Philip. 4: 19). We can see sick people healed of all sickness and change the weather. That’s the reason why we invite you to send in "The Prayer Card” (reverse side of "The Special Offering Card) with your needs: personal, family, friends, business, sickness, acquaintances, travel. Or send an Email, Fax or telephone us. Then, when Jesus answers our prayer, please send in a "Praise Report” so we can thank Him too (1 Thess. 5: 18).
BOOK: "THE FORGOTTEN KEY TO CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE” How to divorce-proof your marriage. Donation $ 20.00 each.
C.D.s: "The Baptism & Gifts of the Holy Spirit”- Study the Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 12: 6 - 8; 1 Cor. 12: 8 - 10) Donation: $10.00.
BOOK: "Like A Rushing Mighty Wind”: enjoy the "Normal Christian Life” with Signs, Wonders & Miracles.
Donation: $20.00 ea. 3 for $50.00.
BOOK: "Spirit-Led Days”: daily devotional book to help you to grow and work with the Holy Spirit.
Regularly $23.95 ea. SPECIAL $8.00 ea.
BOOKLETS: "Generational Sin: Gone Forever”; "Exciting Praise”; Clock Watchers Incorporated”. Donation: $8.00 ea.
TEACHING TAPES & C.D.S: "The Personal Testimony of Gordon Williams”; "The Baptism & Gifts of the Holy Spirit”; "From Caterpillar to Butterfly” Donation: Audio Tapes $8.00 ea. 3 for $20.00& C.d.s $ 10.00 ea. 3 for $20.00 Videos: $15.00 ea. 3 for $30.00.
REPORTS: "Natural Church Development”, "Promises, Promises, Promises” (Promise Keepers Ministry); "Toronto Airport Ministry” (Toronto Christian Ministry): all Scripturally examined. A donation is required for printing and postage.
MUSIC: "THE ANSWER” & "FIRE & WATER” with "Lifeline” featuring Margaret Williams. C.D.s: Donation: $15.00 ea. Tapes: $10.00 ea.
MUSIC: "ETERNALLY GRATEFUL” By Rex & Pat Warr: C.D.s Donation: $10.00 ea.