I received a letter from a from a woman who lives in Brampton, ON. She explained, “You actually came to my home just over a year ago to pray through our home. My son was having some strange things happening in his bedroom which is in the basement. Things were great, but now it seems to be happening again. I have tried praying through this as well myself. He feels a presence in his room while sleeping and the shuffling of feet. Thus he has been sleeping in a spare room upstairs most of the time.” They were trying to understand if they had done something wrong to cause these spirits or demons (two names for the same beings)that had come into their house. I explained, “First of all, it is not the same evil spirits. Other evil spirits will often enter somebody’s house whether or not they are serving Jesus Christ in order to harass, torment, hurt or kill people. I discovered years ago that evil spirits leave behind them proof for other evil spirits/demons of their former presence in the form of what is called “ectoplasm”. This substance attracts other evil spirits. It can be simply removed by a good cleaning of the rooms in which the evil spirits were dwelling. A second time I cast out the new demons and sent them into the Abyss (Lk. 8:31).
At the “Business Men’s Fellowship (BMF), Gananoque, ON Chapter Meeting, a man who had graduated from Bible College and who had helped various churches by preaching and teaching, explained, “This past year was the worst in my life. Everything seemed to go wrong. I was at the point where I almost gave up. I need prayer to find out what is wrong.” I asked him, “Did you receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?” He answered, “Yes!” I asked, “Did you receive the Gift of Tongues as the initial evidence (Acts 2: 4). He said, “No!” I explained, “That’s the reason why you are feeling defeated. I asked him to pray with me and we asked Jesus to Baptize him with the Holy Spirit and he burst into tongues” (Acts 19:6). I explained, “You now have power to cast out demons, speak and pray in tongues, be protected when you are doing ministry and pray with people with the laying on of hands and they will recover(Mk. 16:17-18). I encouraged him to “pray in the Spirit (tongues) with prayer and supplication about everything as Paul tells us (Eph. 6:18). He said, “I’m feeling better!” I suggested that he should stand there praying in tongues.

At a meeting in Camrose, AB a woman in her 30's who came for prayer, explained, “I have an aunt who practices witchcraft and has placed a curse on me. My face is full of sores and I have these nightmares all the time. I need help!” I told her that she needed to receive Jesus Christ as her Saviour and receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 38) and that would break any curse (Nu: 24: 9) and we would also pray for healing of her face. She agreed and prayed with me and receive Salvation and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and fell to the floor speaking in tongues. I also prayed that she would dream Jesus’ dreams and for healing of her face. After she got up and looked in a mirror, she came to me and said, “Look at my face. The sores were gone! Thank You, Jesus!”