I was asked a few years ago by some friends, “What is the most expensive Christmas Gift that you've ever received?” I thought for a few moments, and surprising to myself, I answered, “Just under $20 billion!” They laughed at me and said, “You’ve got to be kidding!” I answered, “No, to be accurate, it was exactly: $19,470,400,000.00.” “Who in the world would give you something that expensive?” I explained that this is the amount Jesus paid for my sin in His “Parable of the Unforgiving Servant” (Matt. 18:23–35). How can any person pay back that amount of money? It seems astronomical, but this is today's gold price, and the average price we all owe God for our sin. Only those who have not sinned need not pay - which means everybody owes God! (Rom. 5:12). However, there is good news! Jesus came as God in the flesh (Jn. 1:1) to save us (the world) from sin. And that is the "real reason for the season", and why we even celebrate Christmas in the first place! "...Just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned... and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many." (Rom. 5:12-15 NIV) The first Christmas Gifts were given when the Shepherds, guided by the angels, visited the baby Jesus (Lk. 2:15–18). Then the Wise men, guided by the Star of Bethlehem, brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh and worshipped Him (Matt. 2:9–11).
We can also read about receiving eternal life that He reserved for us in heaven (his New Jerusalem - Gal. 4:26). Also the New Testament reveals the New Covenant we have with God, His plan for our lives (Jer. 29:11), and about His exciting signs, wonders and miracles (Heb. 2:4). His initial Christmas gift is really two gifts in one and referred to as the "Salvation package". It is made up of two components, first, the "forgiveness of sins", and then, the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit." It is important to receive both if we are to be recognized as an “authentic believer" with the "signs following" (Mk. 16:16-17). The most exciting thing about Jesus’ Gifts, is that they are available all year long for each one of us - children, teens, adults, seniors, all men and women. Peter explained it this way, “And it shall be that whoever calls on the Name of the Lord (Old Testament, Yahweh; New Testament, Jesus) shall be saved” (Acts 2:21; 38).
Peter said, that “Whosoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:21, 38; Gal. 3:28). I asked her, “Are you a ‘whosoever'?” She said, “I think so!” "Then you can receive the Holy Spirit!" I remarked. Then I asked five other people nearby, "Are you a whosoever too?” And they all answered “Yes”. I prayed with each one individually, and each person received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and spoke in their promised tongues-languages (Acts 2:4). The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a essential part of our Salvation package (Mk. 16:16–20). ![]() If you have not yet received your heavenly Christmas Gifts from Jesus, He wants to give them to you now! This includes Salvation (Jn. 3:16), the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2), rededicating your life to Him, a Gift of the Holy Spirit, healing, direction for your life, deliverance, or any need you have. I invite you come to one of our house meetings or contact me and I would be happy to pray with you. Let’s make 2016 the best year for harvesting people into the Kingdom of God! We wish you an exciting Christmas for 2016! Yours in Jesus,
![]() Copyright © 2016. The Gordon Williams Evangelistic Association. All rights reserved.
New Testament (NT) Abbreviations Act (Acts) About GWEA Ministry Our "Holy Spirit" ministry emphasizes the necessity of the grace gifts of the Holy Spirit according to the Bible scriptures. Our ministry helps people to receive Salvation, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, healing, deliverance and other spiritual gifts from God. Also through our services, many have received miracles, healing, revival and renewal. Rev. Gordon Williams
Scripture of the Month “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God. And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen!" (Mark 16:16-20 - NKJV) |
It is a big surprise to Christians when they learn that they are not praising God when singing or saying the word, "Alleluia". The confusion comes when the Hebrew word, "Hallelujah" is translated as Alleluia (without the H sound). Most people are not aware that by dropping the H sound completely, it changes the meaning dramatically - from praise to condemnation! In both Hebrew and Greek the word is spelled "hallelujah, halleluyah or halleluiah"...
Marital love is comprised of sexual attraction (eros love), family love (storage love) and best friend love (philos love). Without the Holy Spirit, any of these can be present independently in a relationship. But for there to be a permanent balance of these three aspects of human marital love, the Holy Spirit must be present, bringing another kind of love called agape love (God's love) - working through all the elements of a relationship, like the oil in a finely tuned engine. READ MORE...
"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name." (Psalm 100:4)
When we "literally" bow our knees before God in praise to worship Him, we give Him permission to do a miracle in our lives. We are blessed, as we bless God and praise Him.... READ MORE... Many are afraid. Until people have personally experienced the ministry of the Holy Spirit, they are often apprehensive - and rightly so, because the Pentecostal experience of the baptism in the Holy Spirit has occasionally been characterized by wacky antics passing for "the anointing".
Some conclude that the lack of operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in one's own church is proof that God no longer distributes the gifts to His people - that they are simply not in use today. READ MORE...
Christian worship was intended by God to be an exciting experience that requires the use of a person's whole physical body. It was supposed to be an interaction with God in which the worshippers did more than say a prayer or preach a sermon with the occasional, "Amen". The Hebrew word for worship (Shachah) originally... READ MORE...
After God finished creating the world and all that surrounded it, Adam and Eve blissfully enjoyed the blessings of Eden. While God had given them instructions for maintaining the bliss, the rules didn't sound too complicated... READ MORE...
"SPIRIT-LED DAYS" - DAY BY DAY WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT" is one of the most inspirational, detailed and theologically studies on the Holy Spirit. Using a daily devotional format, the reader is led step-by-step, day-by-day, into a study of what the entire scriptures reveal about the person of the Holy Spirit.
"THE FORGOTTEN KEY TO CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE" is God's key to a successful marriage.
Gordon's book outlines effective tools for building a happy marriage. Also explains why the divorce rate in the church is the same as in secular society and what to do about it. |
"LIKE A MIGHTY RUSHING WIND" is practical and important Christian teaching highlighting the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the 9 "Gifts of the Holy Spirit" as outlined in the Book of Corinthians. The results of Rev. Gordon Williams ministry have always been countless changed lives as people encounter Christ in His fullness.
"VICTORY OVER THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS" is the most comprehensive teaching guide available today on spiritual warfare. Based on biblical theology, it is derived from many years of helping people to be freed from demonic oppression.