I asked a woman in her forties, “Do you want to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?” She answered, “I've had prayer many times, but I was told by my pastor that there is a time for everything, and it was not my time to receive (Ecc. 3).
I answered, “But yes, it is your time!” She asked, “How does one know?” I answered, "Because Peter said on the Day of Pentecost, 'And it shall be that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved…..and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit'” (Acts 2:21, 38).
I pointed out to her, “You are a whosoever.” And then, I turned to the people standing around her waiting for prayer and asked, “She is a whosoever, isn’t she?” They all laughed and replied, “Yes, she sure is!"
Then I looked her straight in the eye and asked, “Do you believe you are a whosoever?” With a big smile, she looked up at me and replied confidently, “Yes, I am!”
I began prayer and asked her as if she was making a wedding vow, "Whosoever", would you like to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues?” “Yes!” she said excitedly, "I would!"
We prayed together, and she burst out into tongues. I turned to the people on both sides of her and asked, “Are there any more "whosoevers” who would like to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?”
Immediately five people raised their hands in response, and enthusiastically replied, “I’m a whosoever, please pray with me also!”
I prayed with two women and three men; all who were baptized with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues as the Holy Spirit enabled them.
They are no longer just "whosoevers", but real "authentic" Christians with the “signs following” (Mk. 16:17–20). Amen!

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